190 Chronology
broadly similar date-ranges. The occurrence of types in assemblages can be
described either in terms of their presence/absence, as used originally by
Petrie (p. 11), or in terms of proportions using an appropriate measure
(p. 168).
The principal technique for simultaneously ordering assemblages and
pottery types is seriation. We have already seen how such techniques devel-
oped out of Petrie's work at the end of the nineteenth century. Whether
performed manually or by a computer program, the aim is to recreate as far
as possible for each type the ideal pattern described above, while using as
much or as little additional information (for example stratigraphy) as may be
available. The basic idea is contained in Petrie's Concentration Principle:'if
the typology is 'chronologically significant', and when the graves have been
correctly ordered, then the 'sequence-date'-rawges for the individual types
will be found to have been individually or in some communal way minimised.'
(Kendall 1971, 217), although it should be remembered that Petrie's work
was on presence/absence, not quantified, data.
The underlying assumption is that the use of any type of pottery follows a
regular pattern of not in use—»increasing use—»steady use—»decreasing
use—»no longer in use. The exact shape of this pattern is not critical, provided
there are no catastrophic collapses in usage. It does not matter if a type is
already in use at the beginning of a period to be studied, or is still in use at the
end, although a type which meets both of these conditions will be of little use
in establishing a chronology and is probably best omitted from such an
analysis (fig. 14.4). It is not necessary to assume that the chronological
distribution of a type follows a normal distribution, although there may be
superficial similarities.
All techniques rely, explicitly or implicitly, on the setting up of a data
matrix in which (usually) the columns represent types and the rows represent
assemblages. This arrangement is purely conventional, and may reflect the
need for some computer programs to work with more rows than columns
(there are usually more assemblages than types). The rows and columns are
then re-ordered (or sorted) until the required pattern emerges (if indeed it was
inherent in the data in the first place, which it may not have been). This is a
trial-and-error approach, and there is no reason why it should have a single
'best' order, or if there is, that we should necessarily find it. The option of
trying every permutation of rows and columns to see if it is the 'best' is not
open to us - the number of possible permutations is so vast that we do not
have 'world enough and time' (Marvell, To his coy mistress).
Manual techniques, such as the 'battleship curve' method (Ford 1962) and
the close-proximity method (Renfrew and Sterud 1969) are best used when
either the amount of data is small or when there are many external constraints
(such as stratigraphy). The term 'battleship curve' has caused some puzzle-
ment as to its origins. We have been told it is due to: (i) the similarity of the