5. Many specialists work on the problem of corrosion; special attention is paid
to the problems of protection of steel surfaces from corrosion.
6. The articles on plasma chemistry were published; the students got interested
in them.
7. Electrons move through a wire; electrical energy is generated.
8. The temperature of a wire is raised; the motion of the electrons increases.
XVII. Complete the sentences using the Absolute Participle Construction.
1. There are a few ways of generating electric current, (причем все они
основаны на одном и том же принципе).
2. The atoms and electrons are usually in a state of rapid motion, (причем
скорость их движения является функцией температуры).
3. The name ‘electronics’ is derived from the word ‘electron’, (причем слово
‘электрон’ означает ‘янтарь’).
4. (Когда свободные электроны движутся в одном направлении), a direct
current results.
5. (Когда число свободных электронов в веществе возрастает), the
conductivity of that substance increases.
6. The article deals with optical electronics, (причем особое внимание
уделяется лазерам).
7. (После того, как монитор починили), we could use it in our work.
8. The lecturer spoke on the problems of space research, (причем его лекция
была проиллюстрирована диаграммами).
XVIII. Revise the grammar material on participles and participle constructions.
Translate the sentences.
A. 1. There’s always something sad about two ships passing each other during
the night. 2. The English spoken by most educated people in Britain is known as the
Queen’s English or Standard English. It is the English taught in universities and
schools and the kind heard on the BBC. 3. Money saved is money gained. 4. A
trouble shared is a trouble halved. 5. The project being realized was proposed by a
team of scientists. 6. Entering or leaving a room with ladies, don’t rush before them.
Remember the golden rule of every gentleman: “Ladies first”. 7. When asked if he
realized the danger, he said he did. 8. You’ll see more of the country-side traveling
by coach. 9. Being a poor speller, he didn’t like writing letters. 10. Having read the
note, he folded it and put it away. 11. Arriving at the station, he consulted the time-
table again. 12. When crossing the street in London, look first to the right, then to the
left. 13. While playing tennis, be sure you hold the racket in the right way. 14. Based
on a real life event, the story aroused everybody’s interest. 15. Looked at from a
different angle, the problem didn’t seem very difficult.
B. 1. Explained again, the rule became quite clear to everybody. 2. The rule
explained, we started doing the exercises. 3. The rule being explained is not easy. 4.
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