Since time immemorial scientists have dreamed about eliminating disease.
Medieval alchemists believed that doing so would result in human immortality. But it
was only in 1912 that Austrian scientist Nager introduced the term "geriatrics",
marking the beginning of the science of aging.
The works of Botkin and Mechnikov confirmed the assumption of ancient
physicians. By the middle of the 20th century scientists established that the
coordinated work of all internal organs depends on the hypothalamus — a special
part of brain. It processes the information, and sends signals to organs. It became
known that these driving pulses are of electric nature, and interruptions in this system
have catastrophic consequences. Never did medicine have the means to influence this
Late in the 1970s Soviet military electronics made fantastic
progress. No wonder that it was in this sphere that the discovery at
the junction of electronics and medicine was made. Having
investigated the characteristics of signals sent from the brain to all
the organs of a healthy organism, electronics experts made a tiny
microprocessor which can imitate such impulses. Their underlying
idea was very simple: if there are some failures in the organism
control system, the microprocessor would compensate.
The electronic pill, once it is in the stomach, comes into
contact with nerve endings and begins to send pulses through them.
These pulses get into the central nervous system and arouse reciprocal reaction. The
organism begins to look younger. After 25-30 hours the pill is released naturally. One
pill is sufficient for several months.
In 1984 the security bodies stamped the discovery as classified. Hundreds of
experiments were staged on dogs, after which each of the inventors swallowed
several pills and thoroughly recorded their observations:
"...20-40 minutes after taking the pill a person begins to feel inside his body a
self-contained electro-stimulant, and a little later, its movement inside the body...
Women who have given birth to a baby, experience a feeling close to pregnancy,
some men note the unusual sensations and a certain state of anxiety..."
Then the stimulant was tested by patients, and only after that the official clinical
tests of the autonomous electro-stimulant started in the leading clinics of the country,
including the Institute of Surgery, headed by Academician Petrovsky (in those years
the USSR Minister of Public Health). It is also known that once these pills saved the
life of a cosmonaut after a grave operation.
At this stage the story of the electronic pill comes abruptly to an end. It is known
that in ten years this pill was used nearly two million times in the former 4th Main
Department of the Ministry of Public Health. It was used to cure the patients of
special elite clinics. The pill was produced by the military-industrial complex, in
extremely limited numbers.
The pill project was almost lost once the Politburo was dissolved and the
unknown military plant underwent conversion. But thank God people came forward
to save the unique industry. In November 1991 the management of the Public Health
Ministry signed the quality certificate of the self-contained electric stimulant.
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