V2Gtif = b(x - l;) + c 1,
using the fact that 1 is an eigensolutiou. Now pick -1/c to be the area of D to
ensure orthogonality and a formula similar to (5.56) emerges.
As mentioned after (5.52), our definition of G easily generalises to the Robin
problem where (5.36) holds with neither fi nor a equal to zero. If u satisfies
Poisson's equation with this condition, we simply set V2G = 8(x - f) with
aG +,6 OG/On = 0 on OD to ensure that fan (G Ou/On - uOG/On)ds can be
written in terms of G and g alone.
There is one other very important remark to be made about Green's functions
from the computational viewpoint. This is that, if we relax the boundary condi-
tions that we have imposed on G, we can always use (5.50) to relate the values of
u in D to integrals involving both u and Ou/On around 8D. Hence, by taking a
suitable limiting process, as in Exercise 5.13, we can derive a linear integral equa-
tion for the values of u or Ou/On on OD for any of the boundary value problems
involving (5.36). The form of this integral equation depends on the problem and
the way in which we manipulate (5.50), but it is the basis of the so-called boundary
integral method [6] for solving Laplace's equation and many other elliptic equa-
tions. Discretising the integral equation over the whole of OD gives fewer linear
algebraic equations to he solved than would be necessary with a conventional finite
difference or finite element discretisation, but the other side of the coin is that the
matrices resulting from the boundary integral discretisation are `full', in that they
have few zero entries.
It is with sadness that we must tell the reader that explicit formulas for Green's
functions rarely exist (see [34] for a catalogue). However, things seem a little better
than they are for Riemann functions; although we can only cope with a small
handful of equations, there are quite a few geometries that have enough symmetry
for us to be able to find G.
Explicit representations of Green's functions
Laplace's equation and Poisson's equation
We have seen that the Green's functions that are as well-behaved as possible at
infinity in Rl" are (1/2ir) logr and -1/4zrr for in = 2 and m = 3, respectively.
Things rapidly become more complicated when boundaries are introduced, as we
now see.
Circles and spheres: Dirichlet and Neumann conditions
Suppose D is a circle with centre x = 0 and radius a in R. For the geometrically
minded, we can proceed by defining the point inverse tot by r;' = all;/412 and set
R = Ix - j and R' = Ix - 4'I, as in Fig. 5.4.70 Then R/R' = 141 /a when r = lxi =
a, and log R and log R' are both solutions of Laplace's equation since changing
"When X lies on the circle, triangles XOP and QOX are similar because they have a common
angle a-a between sides in the same ratio, as OQ/OX = OX/OP by the image condition; hence,
R = R'1tl/a when jxj = a.