operators in any useful way. Fortunately, there is a widely occurring class of prob-
lems where we can decompose these eigenfunctions into those of ordinary differen-
tial operators, and we will henceforth restrict our attention to this class. They are
characterised by the property that the variables are separable, so that the partial
differential operator can be manipulated into the form C(x, y) = C1(x) + £2(y),
where Cl and G2 only involve coefficients and differentials in x and y, respec-
tively. For simplicity, we will also restrict attention to cases where the original
differential equation is homogeneous, i.e. has zero right-hand side; when the right-
hand side is non-zero it is possible to proceed by expanding it in terms of the
eigenfunctions of C, but this often leads to considerable technical difficulties. As-
suming separability and homogeneity, the representation of u as a double series
u = E cmnomn(x, y), where Co.. = Amncmn, simplifies to u = E caOa(x),ia(y),
where C j Oa (x) = A O.% (x) and C2+ba (v) = -\
(y). For homogeneous problems in
which separability is not possible, all that we can say is that the solution can be
represented as a series in $mn, but an explicit formula for Omn is rarely available.
Let us now turn to some examples.
Laplace's equation with cylindrical symmetry: Hankel transforms
Suppose we wish to solve Laplace's equation in cylindrical polars,
02U 1 9U I 02U 02U
r2 + r 8r + T2_
a_2 2 + 8z2
0 (5.86)
U 8
in z > 0 with u(r, 8, 0) = g(r), so that the solution is independent of 6, and with
whatever decay rate is needed at infinity to ensure uniqueness. We recall that, to
find the solution (5.60) of the half-plane problem in two dimensions, it was easy to
take a Fourier transform in x and solve the resulting ordinary differential equations
in y. This was because the eigenfunctions of d2/dx2 are so easy to find. When we
separate the variables here we find
ar2 +
r = AmA.
Hence we have no problem with the z derivatives in (5.86), which lead to eigen-
functions e'`4, but to take a transform in r we need to consider the spectrum
of d2/dr2 + (1/r) d/dr, which is not a self-adjoint operator. Hence, as in §4.5.2,
for the function 0,\(r) that describes the dependence of u on r, we consider not
the eigenvalue problem
d +
r ddr = Ana
but, instead, the self-adjoint problem
(5 87).
(rdd ! ) = Aro
The factor r on the right-hand side introduces a slight complication into the ar-
gument in §5.7, namely that a weight function has to be introduced into the inner