dr (rddr) + rQA =
Since the solutions of (5.104) behave like
or, when A = 0, like log r as r -+ 0,
we require A to be negative, as in the Mellin transform. Setting A = -K2, we can
then only satisfy the radiation condition (5.103) if ¢a is proportional to
JiK (r) + iY,, (r) = H 1 l (r),
the Hankel function of complex order. Thus we define the Kontorovich-Lebedev
transform of u as
U'K(e) =
and, in line with (5.91) and (5.99), we find that
d92 -
K2i1" = 0. (5.105)
Unfortunately, the generalisation of the argument in §5.7 now involves not only the
intricacies of the normalisation, but also a very careful accounting in the Hermitian
inner products. Hence we simply quote the result
u(r, 0) = - 2
Kfi,e (9)Ji, (r) dK, (5.106)
which can be manipulated into many other forms. Another justification of (5.106)
is given in Exercise 5.14.
However, there is a further complication as far as the Sommerfeld problem is
concerned. We have indicated the need to subtract out the incident field in order
to be able to satisfy the condition (5.103), but this leaves us with a boundary
condition for u on 9 = frr which is non-zero as r -+ 0. Thus, further contortions
are needed before we can apply the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform, and we will
not plough through to the final solution here; it is given in Exercise 5.39.
Not surprisingly, this solution can be derived by various other `tricks', one of
which is mentioned in the next section. However, the details are less important
than the fact that even this hard example is readily amenable in principle to a
systematic transform analysis.
We remark that among the many implications of the theory of elliptic equations
for wave propagation in the frequency domain is the principle of reciprocity. This
is the physical interpretation of the symmetry of Green's functions for self-adjoint
elliptic problems. The statement from §5.6.2 that G(x, 4) = G(4, x) for Helmholtz'
equation says that the wave field at x caused by a `point source' at 4 is identical
to the wave field at f caused by a point source at x. One very useful case is the
limit 141 -+ oo, when we can use the results of scattering problems, such as the
Sommerfeld problem above, to infer the far-field radiated by a source near the
scattering obstacle in an otherwise quiescent medium.