13 Chemistry of the Universe: What Is It Made of?
recall the famous Einstein’s equation E = mc
; this equation tells us that energy (E)
and mass (m, i.e., material) are equivalent. [c is the speed of light]. The processes
that created elements subsequently are all “nuclear reactions” (reactions at the level
of nucleus) as opposed to “chemical reactions.” Please review Chap. 19 for the fun-
damental difference between nuclear reactions and chemical reactions.
The first atom that formed from the fireball was the simplest one, hydrogen (H)
or rather its nucleus. Hydrogen is still the most abundant element in the universe.
Hydrogen atom (nucleus) is made of a single proton (p =
), an electrically posi-
tively charged nucleon. Another nucleon is neutron that is electrically neutral, but
has about the same mass as proton. What were there before protons and neutrons?
They were quarks; quarks combine to form neutron and proton. Chemistry can be
understood at the level of neutron/proton. We do not need to look at quarks, as far
as chemistry is concerned. A proton and a neutron combined to form the heavy
hydrogen, deuterium (D or
, mass number is 2). A large cloud of hydrogen and
deuterium atoms, if sufficiently large, starts to shrink under its own gravity force.
This raises the temperature enough (as high as 10–20 million degrees °K) to allow
the nuclear reactions between hydrogen atoms and deuterium atoms to take place.
This leads to the formation of helium (He) atoms (
, positive electric charge = 2
(units), mass number = 4 (units)). This process, formation of helium from hydrogen
and deuterium, is an example of nuclear fusion reactions, and is what is happening
in a star like our own Sun. This process forms a very stable atom helium He. The
stable state means a state that has a low energy content. Hydrogen atoms have higher
energy content than the resulting helium atoms. Hence, when hydrogen atoms turn
into helium, that process releases an enormous amount of energy. In this process,
some mass of hydrogen and deuterium is lost as energy (that is, “mass turns into
energy (or dematerialized)”). This energy is what we get daily from the Sun, the
ultimate source of energy for all our activities on the Earth. Helium is the second
most abundant element in the universe.
As a star becomes older, helium atoms accumulate in its core. If the star is large
enough, the core becomes as dense as 100 kg/cm
and the core temperature as high
as 100 millions degree (°K). This is a red giant star. Other fusion reactions can now
take place in this star. In this case, helium atoms fuse together to form larger atoms,
particularly carbon atoms and oxygen atoms. Three helium atoms combine to form
a carbon atom (
). The reaction is 3
. In this process as well as all other
nuclear reactions, the electric charge is conserved as 3 × 2 = 6 (with respect to the
numbers on the lower left of the element symbol) and the atomic mass number is
also conserved as 3 × 4 = 12. The mass itself may not be conserved, though. An oxy-
gen atom (O) is made from four helium atoms [4
]. Strangely, an atom
that is a combination of two helium atoms (that is, an isotope of beryllium
) is
extremely unstable and would not survive long. It turned out that the nuclei of three
elements, lithium (Li), beryllium (Be), and boron (B), are rather fragile, and as a
result, they are present very little (relatively speaking) in the universe.
Further nuclear reactions take place in very massive stars. There, carbon atoms
and oxygen atoms combine together to form heavier elements. Silicon (Si) forms
from two oxygen atoms. Two carbon atoms combine to form neon (Ne) and