19116.1 The Story of DDT (and Others)
had grown to 12. This phenomenon, the development of resistance to chemical agents
in insects, is one of the basic problems with the chemical agents that are meant to kill
insects or other organisms, particularly microorganisms. Another example of resis-
tance was mentioned earlier with regard to antibiotics (Chap. 7).
Antibiotics are natural chemical agents, and hence some microorganisms have
evolved to carry resistance factor, which can be spread readily to other microorgan-
isms. However, DDT is not a natural chemical but synthesized by human. How then do
insects develop resistance against DDT (or any other non-natural chemical compound)?
The mechanisms for this phenomenon are not well understood. However, it must be
through the regular evolutionary process. The life cycle is short in smaller organisms,
so that they have more chances to evolve than the larger animals like us do.
Some DDT-resistant houseflies were found to contain an enzyme DDT-
dehydrochlorinase that removes hydrogen chloride (HCl) from and convert DDT to
DDE (dichlorodiphenylethylene). Recall the case of a resistance factor against peni-
cillin (Chap. 7). A resistance factor in the case of penicillin was an enzyme to
decompose penicillin. A similar strategy is used here. Other insects seem to convert
DDT to 2-OH-2,2-bis (chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane (=dicofol).
16.1.4 Other Chlorinated Organic Compounds and Dioxin
The success of DDT in 1940s and 1950s led to a development of all kinds of
chlorine-containing organic compounds for pesticides, herbicides, and disinfectants.
Many of them were introduced as commercial products, and used widely. Some of
those compounds are shown in Fig. 16.1 along with DDT. These seven compounds
(except o,p-DDT) are often labeled as “dirty seven” for their toxic effects.
One of the most feared chlorine-containing compounds is “dioxin.” Chemically it is
2,3,7,8-tetrachloro dibenzo paradioxin (TCDD). It is reputed to be one of the most
toxic substances. It is strongly carcinogenic like many other chlorine-containing organic
compounds, but its effects on the endocrine system may be more critical at lower levels,
as will be talked about later. This compound, unlike all the other compounds mentioned
so far, is not one that is intentionally produced. Instead, it forms as a byproduct in a
number of synthetic processes to produce chlorine-containing compounds such as
2,4,5-T (2,4,5-trichloro-phenoxyacetic acid: used as a herbicide) and 2,4-D (2,4-di-
chlorophenoxyacetic acid). These herbicides were used during the Vietnam War to
clear the obstacles off the way. They happened to be contaminated with dioxin, and it
has been believed to have caused numerous health problems among the veterans as
well as Vietnamese peasants. High-temperature combustion of chlorine-containing
organic compounds such as polyvinyl chloride is said to produce dioxins.
“Dioxin” as a byproduct of many chemical processes is not a single chemically
pure compound. The skeleton structure is the same, but the number of chlorine
atoms bound and the position of chlorine attachment can vary. The number of chlo-
rine atoms bound can be any between one and eight (Fig. 16.2). The most common
and usually the most prominent component is TCDD. It has been demonstrated to
be the most toxic among the relatives, and it is known to bind the receptor most
strongly among them, as described later.