13510.5 High-Tech Ceramics
small amount of energy. And even if relative positions have been changed, the
cohesive energy among the neutral atoms would not change very much. Therefore,
a metal is usually malleable; so that some of them can easily be made into a wire or
a thin sheet.
What about a ceramic? Most of the ceramics are essentially ionic compounds.
That is, they are made of positively charged ions and negatively charged ions. They
are arranged in such a way that the lowest energy is attained. That means that attrac-
tive forces between particles of opposite electric charge are maximized, while the
repulsive forces are minimized. If you change such an arrangement a little by an
impact of hammer, repulsive forces will increase and attractive forces will simulta-
neously be reduced (see Fig. 10.3). The results may be that the repulsive forms
overwhelm the attractive forces, shattering the crystal. This is the reason that ionic
crystals such as table salts including many of the ceramics are rather brittle.
[Exceptions include diamond (if you include it in ceramics), cubic boron nitride,
and silicon carbide; these are not ionic crystals, but all the atoms in these materials
are connected by covalent bonds throughout a solid. As a result, these materials are
hard and difficult to shatter].
Ceramics are in general lighter, more precisely, less dense than metals. This can
be attributable to two factors: the structures and the constituting elements. Firstly,
most of the ceramics are ionic compounds, and the cations and the anions are
arranged in such a way so that they are on average farther apart from each other than
the case where the particles are electrically neutral (i.e., metals). This is to reduce
mostly the repulsive forces. This increases the void space (between ionic particles)
and hence makes such a crystalline solid less dense than otherwise.
Besides, many of the ceramics are made of elements lighter than typical metals.
That is, typical ceramic-constituting elements such as oxygen, magnesium, alumi-
num, and silicon are relatively light; in the approximate molar atomic mass (g/mole),
they are 16, 24, 27, and 28, respectively, as compared to iron (56), copper (63.5), and
gold (197). The densities of some typical material are as follows (in units of g/cm
aluminum oxide (3.5–3.9), aluminum silicate (3Al
, 3.16), magnesium
ortho silicate (Mg
, 3.2), iron (7.89), copper (8.92), and gold (19.3). Aluminum
(2.7) and titanium (4.5) are two light metals that are used for airplanes, etc.
The gravest shortcoming of ceramics as an engineering material is therefore the
brittleness. Besides, it is difficult to make advanced ceramic parts with uniform
physical properties. The nonuniformity also degrades the mechanical and other
(such as electric) properties. In order to improve the mechanical strength, ceramics
are often combined with fibrous or whisker material; the resulting material is called
“composite” material. The most often used fibrous or whisker material is silicon
carbide (SiC). Silicon carbide fiber is made, for example, from polydimethylsilane
−). It is converted to polycarbosilane (−(−SiH(CH
which is then spun into fiber. The fiber is then heated in nitrogen at 1,250°C, turning
into silicon carbide fiber. Whisker can be produced by heating rice hulls at 2,000°C.
Whisker is a single crystal and stiffer and of a higher tensile strength than fibrous
silicon carbide, which is polycrystalline. Boron nitride fiber, aluminum oxide fiber,
and silicone nitride whisker are also used. Ceramic fibers (or whisker) improve