13110.4 Chemistry of Colors (of Inorganic Compounds)
10.4 Chemistry of Colors (of Inorganic Compounds)
Colors of ceramics are due to compounds containing the so-called transition
(metallic) elements such as iron and copper, as seen above. Some of the colors of
such compounds might be familiar to you. Iron oxide can be brown (rust) or red
(hematite ore), and maybe you have seen a nice blue copper sulfate crystal.
Compounds of other elements (nontransition elements) are rarely colored. What
special is there about compounds of transition elements?
We need to discuss a little bit the different natures between transition elements
and nontransition elements. Please refer to Chap. 19 for the definition of transition
versus nontransition elements. First let us talk about the situation in compounds
made of nontransition elements. Water is a typical such compound. It is made of two
hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom (H–O–H). An independent oxygen atom
) has eight electrons altogether, but six in its valence shell (2s2p orbitals).
[The two electrons in the core shell (1s orbital) are not involved in the bonding].
When an oxygen atom binds to two hydrogen atoms, it will be surrounded by eight
electrons; i.e., six on the oxygen atom and one each contributed by two hydrogen
atoms. As the valence shell consisting of 2s and 2p orbitals can accommodate up to
eight electrons (two in 2s and six in three 2p orbitals), the oxygen in water molecule
has a completed valence shell and all the electrons are paired up.
In methane, CH
, the carbon atom has four electrons of its own plus four electrons
contributed by the four hydrogen atoms. Therefore, eight altogether and hence the
shell is complete, and all the electrons are paired up. How about an ordinary ionic
compound, sodium chloride (NaCl, table salt)? It consists of Na
ion and Cl
Both of these entities have eight electrons (paired up) in the outermost shell (valence
shell). You can make certain that this is indeed the case by referring to the periodic
chart in Chap. 19. These compounds, i.e., compounds of the so-called nontransition
elements (otherwise called typical elements) have the completed valence shell on
each atom contained and all the electrons involved are paired up. You might note that
all these compounds, water, methane, and sodium chloride, are colorless. As a mat-
ter of fact, the majority of compounds made of nontransition elements are colorless.
Only colored compounds of nontransition elements are some halogen molecules
(chlorine Cl
is yellow-green, bromine Br
is red, and iodine I
is purple), nitrogen
dioxide (NO
, brown), mercury sulfide (HgS, red) and similar compounds including
cadmium selenide, and finally large molecules containing the so-called conjugated
double bond system. Examples of the last category include carrotene, the pigment of
carrot, and other organic pigment compounds that are used to dye your clothes.
There are still a few other exceptions, but we cannot pursue this issue further here.
Transition elements have electrons in d-orbitals [again refer to Chap. 19 for a
discussion of s, p and d orbitals]. A typical transition element is iron; it has 26 elec-
trons. Its outermost shells consists of five 3d orbitals and one 4s orbital (plus three
4p orbitals), and the 3d orbitals would accommodate up to ten electrons (because
each of five d-orbitals can pick up two electrons) and 4s up to two electrons. Iron
atom (Fe) (in its free state) has six electrons in the d-orbitals and two electrons in