997.4 Taxol and Related Compounds: Anticancer Drugs
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company started in 1993 to produce taxol by this
semisynthetic method using needles and twigs as the source of the starting material.
Meanwhile, the company filed a new drug application with FDA in July 1992, and
taxol was approved in 1993. The term “Taxol” was designated in 1992 as “trade-
mark,” i.e., “brand name,” though originally it was a chemical compound’s name,
i.e., nonproprietary. This decision seems to have been made due to a clever maneu-
vering by the manufacturer and is an interesting story by itself. An unfortunate cir-
cumstance was that a trade name “Taxol” had actually been used for a laxative long
before the discovery of the anticancer drug taxol. Anyway, because of this, the non-
proprietary name for taxol is now “paclitaxel,” and the ending “-taxel” applies to all
the derivatives of taxol. However, we continue to use “taxol” in our story.
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company sold $1.6 billion worth taxol in 2000. Phyton,
Inc. in Ithaca, New York, is developing a technology to produce taxol by plant cell
fermentation and is now collaborating with Bristol-Myers Squibb.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the Atlantic, French scientists were busy devel-
oping other derivatives of taxol. Scientists at the Institut de Chimie des Substances
Naturelles, Université Joseph Fourier, and at Rhône-Poulenc (a pharmaceutical
company) have synthesized 40 or so taxol-like compounds and tested their effec-
tiveness and found that “taxotère” was the most potent. The structure of taxotère is
shown in Fig. 7.6. It has a slightly different entity for portion B. This is chemically
synthesized starting with 10-deacetylbaccatin III, which they obtain from the leaves
of yew bush, Taxus baccata. This compound was patented by Rhône-Poulenc.
Another way of obtaining taxol is to synthesize it from scratch, that is, starting
with a compound much simpler (than 10-deacetylbaccatin III) and readily available.
This type of synthesis is called “Total Synthesis.” A number of research groups
attempted and competed for the challenge. A race was on! Early 1994, two groups
simultaneously reached the goal, the total synthesis of taxol. They published their
accomplishments in two different journals. The group led by R. Holton at Florida
State University started with the off-the-shelf compound, camphor. It required 30 steps,
and the overall yield was said to be 4–5%. The other group led by K. C. Nicolaou at
the Scripps Research Institute started with a similar compound, but followed a quite
different route. But here too, it required about 30 steps, and the yield was even
worse than the competitor’s. The former group boasted their superior yield, while
the latter group countered by saying that the difference in yield occurred because of
their different ways of evaluating the yield and that their own was not that bad as
their published yield indicated, if reevaluated. These successes are academically
quite significant, but the use of total chemical synthesis is not considered to be fea-
sible for commercial production of the drug.
Taxol obviously is not made for human consumption. It is not made to fit human
physiology. Taxol is not soluble in water, for one thing, and hence difficult to admin-
ister, and, though unusually well tolerated by humans, it does have some side effects
and some resistance to it would develop. To improve the effectiveness of a drug and
reduce the side effects, one tries to modify the drug. This part is the realm of chem-
istry (sometimes called “medicinal chemistry”). Two entirely different ways can be
used to do this. One is “trial and error,” and the other is a “more rational way.” In the first,