1158.4 Oxidation Reactions Involved in Firework
8.4 Oxidation Reactions Involved in Firework
The last, perhaps most crucial and difficult, issue is why potassium “nitrate” or
potassium “perchlorate” does what it does, i.e., oxidizes something else. As implied
here, nitrate or perchlorate, not potassium, is the oxidizing agent. What is the
“oxidation” anyway? Let us begin from the basics. As we argued (Chap. 19), some
atoms hold their electrons more tightly than others do. This tendency is called
“electronegativity.” It is a measure of how strongly an atom (actually its nucleus)
attracts electron(s) around it. Fluorine (F) has the highest electronegativity, and the
next is oxygen (O). F has a strong tendency to become F
by attracting one electron.
Now let us look at nitrate NO
, a combination of nitrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is
more electronegative than nitrogen, and oxygen becomes more comfortable in a
compound with two more electrons than its neutral atom has, i.e., O
. If this is so,
then nitrogen in nitrate should carry formally +5 electric charge [i.e., 3 × (−2) (from
three O
)+(+5) = −1 = the overall charge]. The oxidation number of nitrogen in
nitrate is said to be +5 in this case [and by the way, the oxidation number of oxygen
in nitrate (and other compounds) is −2] (see also Sect. 3.2.1).
OK so far? Since the nitrogen carries a +5 electric charge in nitrate, you have to
remove five electrons from a neutral nitrogen atom in order to create it. This requires
a lot of energy, because an electron is attracted by the positive nucleus, and you have
to pull them apart with force. “+5” state is called “+5 oxidation state,” as removal of
electron(s) from a chemical entity is called “oxidation” (we used “+V” instead of +5
in some other chapters). This implies that the +V (+5) oxidation state of nitrogen in
nitrate is not very stable, because you have brought it to that state by expending a lot
of energy. Anything that is in a rather unstable state wants to become more stable.
This is one of the most basic rules of the physical world. In this case, the nitrogen (in
V oxidation state) wants to gain electron(s) to become lower oxidation states, for
example, the zero oxidation state, which is N
molecule. This can happen when
the nitrate comes into contact with a compound which can provide that elec-
trons. Charcoal and sulfur that are mixed with potassium nitrate are two such sub-
stances. Charcoal is essentially carbon; C can readily give up electrons to become
nominally +4 (IV), if it can combine two of O
and forms carbon dioxide, CO
. In
this process, nitrate has gotten electrons from C and turns into N
. The process in
which a compound removes electron(s) from another is defined as “oxidation.” You
can say that nitrate oxidizes carbon and hence acts as an “oxidizing agent” or “oxi-
dant.” From the carbon’s point of view, it has given electron(s) to nitrate. This pro-
cess, giving electron(s) is called “reduction,” and it can be said that carbon reduces
nitrate and hence carbon in this case is a “reducing agent” or “reductant.” As you see,
oxidation and reduction always take place simultaneously; it is like a head and tail of
a coin. Similar reactions occur between nitrate and sulfur; sulfur will become sulfur
dioxide SO
and sulfate, SO
. It must be noted that nitrate is a very strong oxidizing
agent, as the nitrogen in nitrate is in such a high oxidation state and hence has a very
strong tendency to gain electron(s) from other compounds. You may have been con-
fused by now. If so, read this paragraph and the last once more slowly and carefully.