Обработка материалов давлением №1 (19), 2008 260
In order to asses the quality of nickel wire more accurate designation was carried out to
examine the adhesion of nickel layer. Research findings were presented in table 4.
Table 4
The research findings of the grip of the nickel-plated cover depending on the way of preparing base
Method of research the adhesion
Way of preparation
Frictional Reel Contraflexure
Without cleaning 45/41 12/11 15/12
Digesting in
45/43 12/12 15/14
Mechanical cleaning 45/44 12/12 15/15
Record 15/13 means 15 – amount of attempts with the whole, 13 – amount of positive results
The results of examinations of adhesions of nickel on welding wire results presented above
show a good adhesion to the surface of steel wire, with the lack of stratifications and losses, only
some wire without preparing the surface was characterized by a local unevenness nickel layer
(bright stains). Wire was characterized by the best adhesion after mechanical cleaning and
digesting in the sulfuric acid.
Thickness of layer not on steel welding wire is dependent on current – time parameters, of
composition of the bath and can freely to be regulated.
The method of preparing the surface by digesting in
SOH and mechanical cleaning don't
influence the amount of secreted nickel in the essential way.
Preparation of the surface of wire is influencing a good adhesion of received nickel coatings
At the current density 4 A/dm
, the time of nickelizing 30 seconds and the 45
C temperature
the suggested nickel plating bath guarantees the receiving of thick enough, and good qualitative
coatings on final wire after drawing with
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Пелка М. (Pełka M.) – аспирант ЧПУ;
Байер Т. (Bajor T.)
– канд. техн. наук ЧПУ;
Сулига М. (Suliga M.)
– канд. техн. наук ЧПУ.
ЧПУ – Ченстоховский политехнический университет, г. Ченстохов, Польша.