8.2 Photochemistry 197
This equation follows from the radiative transfer theory.
The coefficient τ in
the exponent is called the optical depth:
τ = σ
N (z)dz [optical depth]. (8.13)
The optical depth τ is proportional to the vertically integrated column density
N (z)dz where N is a concentration of atmospheric species absorbing at λ. The
integration from z to ∞ reflects the path the photons travel from the top of the
atmosphere to height z. The coefficient of proportionality σ is called the absorption
cross-section. This parameter describes the ability of a particular gaseous species
to absorb photons; it is measured in m
(often in the literature as cm
). Absorption
cross-sections can be measured in the laboratory. When the optical depth gets
close to unity, the flux is attenuated by a factor of roughly three (e ≈ 2.7). For
example, for λ between 240 and 300 nm (ultraviolet range) τ reaches unity due to
the absorption by ozone approximately at heights of 30–38 km. This means that
the solar photons in this range are absorbed by ozone in the stratosphere and do not
reach the troposphere. At shorter wavelengths, between 175 and 200 nm, radiation
is absorbed by oxygen at heights of 40–80 km. At wavelengths greater than 310
nm, most photons penetrate into the troposphere and reach the surface. If the sun
has zenith angle = 0, then cos has to be added in the formula for the flux
attenuation (Figure 8.4):
(z) = F
(top) exp(−τ(z)/ cos ) [attenuation at zenith angle ]. (8.14)
The larger the zenith angle, the stronger the attenuation at a given height z.
The photons in the ultraviolet and visible ranges are energetic enough to break
molecules apart. This process is called photodissociation. Photodissociation plays
a very important role in the troposphere and the stratosphere. For example, a key
reaction in the troposphere is the photodissociation of ozone by ultraviolet radiation:
+ hf → O
+ O (8.15)
where the notation hf denotes a photon with frequency f . This notation emphasizes
that the energy carried by the photon is the frequency times Planck’s constant. The
formation of tropospheric ozone is due to photodissociation of NO
+ hf → NO + O. (8.16)
A beam is attenuated in a distance interval dz by an amount proportional to the incoming beam’s flux and to
the amount of attenuating material in the interval. The result is dF
dz where A is proportional to the
amount of attenuating material per unit volume. Integration of this equation leads to exponential decay along
the path, known as Beer’s Law.