The thermodynamic equation
In this chapter we derive two of the fundamental equations of atmospheric science,
the equation of continuity and the thermodynamic equation. The equation of
continuity expresses the conservation of mass in the form of a partial differential
equation, the form needed to implement it in numerical simulations or forecasts.
The thermodynamic equation expresses the combined First and Second Laws of
Thermodynamics into a similar form. But before we come to these important
formulas we need some experience with scalar and vector fields. Much of the chapter
is concerned with elementary vector analysis which should have been covered in
the prerequisite calculus course. Hence, some students can skip over the review
sections, but we advise all students to refresh their memories. All this machinery is
to prepare for the next step in an education in atmospheric sciences: dynamics.
Vector refresher A three-dimensional vector, denoted in boldface, a,isa
mathematical object which has both length and direction. In two-space it can be
represented by an arrow as in Figure 9.1. It takes three numbers to represent a
3-vector, two angles and a length, (θ, φ; |a|). Alternatively, it can be represented by its
three components along the three Cartesian coordinate axes, (a
, a
, a
). Note that the
vector is an abstract object in space independent of the choice of coordinate system,
but the three numbers needed to specify it may individually depend on the coordinate
system chosen by the analyst to describe the vector. For example, it is conventional in
meteorology to set up a Cartesian coordinate system with the origin at a point on the
Earth’s surface, the x-axis increasing in the eastward direction and the y-axis
increasing in the northward direction.
Multiplication by a scalar Let α be a scalar, i.e., a number which is independent of
our choice of coordinate system, a be a vector. Then multiplication of a vector by a
scalar is written as b = αa. The direction of b is the same as that of a and the length is
|α||a|. In other words the two angles designating the direction of b and a are the