If acknowledged membership in the Church of Sweden is the standard,
then the answer to this question is yes. In 2008, about three fourths of
all Swedes were registered members. About 5 percent belonged to other
Christian denomination churches. (In both cases, membership is falling.
In the case of the Church of Sweden at a rate of about 1% per year.) Practicing
Muslims, Jews, and some other small groups perhaps add another 2 percent.
If church service attendance is the measurement, then the answer is no. Very
few (between 2 and 4%), Swedes attend services every week. One often used
cynical comment about attendance is that the ave rage Swede goes to church
four times in her/his lifetime—to be baptized, confirmed, married, and
buried. Of course, this is far from the tr uth. Many attend services occasio n-
ally, some do so regularly. If participation in choirs is any indication, then
there is clear evidence that at least the music component of religious life is live
and well. Similarly, if participation in some of the social activities of churches
such as sewing circles, discussion groups, book clubs, or volunteer projects is
a measure, then there is considerable vitality. The lively religiou s lives many
Christians, Jews, and Muslims lead certainly point to a deep level of religious-
ness, and the re seem to be other forms of religious engagement that address
this question as well.
Many have tried to determine the religious dimension of Sweden’s culture,
and this is a hot topic in the churches and some academic settings. While it
does not deal with all of Sweden, Gu ds na
rmaste stad?, a study from 2008
on the importance of religion in lives of residents of the city of Enko
(population 39,000), is an example of such efforts. The work of nine scholars
from different disciplines and/or perspectives, the study was conducted under
the auspices of the Church of Sweden. Its conclusions were based on the
1,045 responses the research team received from a lengthy questionnaire sent
to a rando m sample of city reside nts, interviews with some from the sample
group, and personal observations. The results shed some light on the question
of Swedes’ religiousness and related issues. Also important was a question that
lay in the background of the Enko
ping study—is a religious revolution
underway in Sweden akin to what Paul Heelas and Linda Woodhead (The
Spiritual Revolution: Why Religion Is Giving Way to Spirituality, 2005) con-
cluded was happening in Kendal, England, that is, the decline of tradit ional
religion and the rise of a New Age spiritualism to replace it. The team bor-
rowed the definition of religion developed by Ninian Smart. It included seven
basic “dimensions”: teachings and philosophy, practices and rituals, story
and narrative, experiential and emotional, ethical and legal, social and institu-
tional, and material or aesthetic.
The sample group broke down as follows in terms of religious identifica-
tion: Strong Christian 25.5 percent, Mildly Christian 39. 3 percent, Muslim