makes it even less so. In terms of behavior or personality, many sources
describe them as taciturn, stoic, silent, quiet, reser ved, cool, or aloof. A won-
derful example of these stereotypes may be seen in Bent Hamer’s Norwegian-
Swedish film from 2004, Kitchen Stories/Salmer fra Kjøkkenet.Setinthe
1960s, it involves a Swedish sociological study of kitchens and efficiency.
The two central character s, one a Swedish researcher and the other a farmer
living in neighboring Norway, epitomize these traits.
Peter Berlin in his somewhat irreverent Xenophobes Guide to the Swedes
returns repeatedly to two nearly untranslatable words to describe his country-
men: lagom (moderation) and undfallenhet (compliancy or submissiveness).
The former means that Swedes are measured, careful, modest, rational; the
latter means they are compromising, cooperative, willing to negotiate, open
to problem solving. Both are useful and to a degree valid. Christina Johans-
son Robinowitz and Lisa Werner Carr in Modern Day Vikings: A Practical
Guide to Interacting with the Swedes are more analytical. They, too, use lagom,
but then add vemod (melancholy), duktig (capable), vanlig (ordinary), and
mysig (cozy) to flesh out their standard Swede—someone who in the dark of
winter can be deeply melancholy, who in summer can be surprisingly exuber-
ant, who is capable at whatever he/she does, who seeks the middle way in all
things (work, dress, diet, appearance, personal possession, and the like), and
who places great value on democracy, equality in all things, cozy settings,
cooperation, and properly executed rituals and rules of behavior.
ke Daun, professor and head of the Institute of Ethnology at Stockholm
University, is also careful and analytical in the traits he singles out. He argues
that Swedes do not easily show their feelings, appear relatively stiff, tend to be
gloomy in the winter and exuberant in the summer, have very subtle and low-
key senses of humor, and are modest and unpretentious.
Many of these
traits ar e embodied by a term that appears in virtual ly every book about the
Swedes (and other Scandinavians), one that is useful if not entirely accurate,
the Jantelagen (the law of Jante). The expression was first coined by the Danish
writer Axel Sandem ose in his 193 3 novel A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks.Itis
understood throughout Scandinavia and expressed in the following:
1. Thou shalt not believe thou art something.
2. Thou shalt not believe thou art as good as we.
3. Thou shalt not believe thou art more wise than we.
4. Thou shalt not fancy thyself better than we.
5. Thou shalt not believe thou knowest more than we.
6. Thou shalt not believe thou art greater than we.
7. Thou shalt not believe thou amountest to anything.