central Sweden at about the same time. The Swedish nobility has long con-
tained families with roots all over Europe including many of the old German
states, France, the Netherlands, Scotland, England, and Russia.
Since the end of World War II, Sweden has been in the midst of another
very important period of in-migration, a period during which, quite literally,
the faces of Swedes have changed, and the population has become vastly more
diverse in ethnic, national, cultural, and religious co mposition. To illustrate
just one aspect of these changes, in 1960 foreign-born nationals accounted
for 4 percent of Sweden’s population; in 2007 they accounted for more than
were added in, the percentage rose to 17 percent—in all more than 1.6 million
of Sweden’s total population.
Who are these so-called new Swedes? The answer to this question changes
with when and why immigrants came to Sweden. In the first decade or so after
1945, many were Finns pushed by border adjustments following the war and
drawn by employment opportunities and a relatively open immigration pol-
icy. Others, though considerably fewer, were refugees or asylum seekers, some
fleeing the Sovietization of the Baltic states. As Sweden’s economy continued
to expand in the postwar years, other immigrants, including many from
the former Yugoslavia, were drawn to jobs with good pay. Also, as is so often
typical of immigration, once cores of immigrants from particular places
developed, they served as magnets for others who followed. In more recent
decades, employment opportunities have become less a pull factor, while
political turmoil in homelands, Sweden’s immigration and, especially, asylum
policies, the effects of globalization, and the continue draw of core commun-
ities have fed the flow of in-migrants. In 2007, a record year, 99,485 peo ple
from more than 160 countries immigrated to Sweden. By region, the largest
number came from Asia (29,658), followed by the 27 nations of the European
Union (23,694), returning Swedes (15,949), Sweden’s four Nordic neighbors
(10,464), Africa (8,530), and non-EU Europe (6,111). In terms of individual
countries, the largest numbers came from Iraq (15,200), Poland (7,525) ,
Denmark (5,097), Somalia (3,781), Germany (3,614), Romania (2,587),
Thailand (2,548), and China (2,386). In addition, another 36,207 were asy-
lum seekers from more than 50 countries: 18,559 were from Iraq, 3,349 from
Somalia, and 2,601 from Serbia or Montenegro.
This extended period of net-gain in-migration has had profound effects on
Sweden. Some are good, some bad. Simply put, the country’s population has
become vastly more heterogeneous. In every aspect of Swedish life there is a
new diversity. Ethnicity, religion, culture, customs, law, politics, social struc-
tures, neighborhood organization, residential geography (the geography of
ethnic settlement), schools at all levels, cuisine, literature, the theater, the arts,