“a new ki nd of religion characterized by the belief that ‘there is some sort of
spirit or life force.’ ” This was particularly the case in Sweden, Denmark,
the Czech Republic, and Estonia.
Given all of the above, it is probably safe to conclude that while there is a
growing number of religious denominations or options in Sweden, it is clear
that in terms of religious bel iefs Swedes ar e becomin g less and less church-
oriented with each passing generation. At the same time, minority groups
both Christian and non-Christian remain intensely faithful to their beliefs,
practices, and institutions. Als o, while they do not go to church very mu ch,
most Swedes seem to need a spiritual eleme nt to their lives, are religious in
more personal and/or spiritual senses, and find religious/spiritual experiences
in several non-Christian options and in nature, music, and participation in a
wide variety of activities.
1. Ha
l. The Words of Odin the High One ,fromThe Elder or Poetic Edda
(Sæmund’s Edda), translated by Olive Bray and edited by D. L. Ashliman, at http://
www.pitt.edu/~dash/havamal.html. Accessed July 18, 2009.
2. For an full review of th e steps leading to the disestablishment legislation, see
E. Kenneth Stegeby, “An Analysis of the Impending Disestablishment of the Church
of Sweden,” Brigham Young University Law Review, January 1999. Online at http://
findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa3736/is_ 199901/ai_n8848933/. Accessed July 19,
3. The Church of Sweden’s Web site is a fine source of information in Swedish or
English. See http://www.svenskakyrkan.se/. Accessed July 19, 2009.
4. The following list is from the Web site of Sweden’s Christian Council/Sveriges
Kristna Ra
d: http://www.skr.org. Accessed July 18, 2009. Member churches and
observers—The Lutheran Family: Church of Sweden & Evangelical Mission, Esto-
nian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Latvian Evangelic Lutheran Church, Hungarian
Protestant Church; The Catholic Family: Stockholm’s Catholic Church; The Free
Church Family—Adventist, Evangelical Free, French Reform, Salvation Army,
Methodist, Pentecostal, Swedish Alliance Mission, Swedish Baptist, Swedish
Mission, Vineyard North; The Orthodox Family—Armenian Apostolic C hurch,
Bulgarian Orthodox, Estonia Orthodox, Ethiopian Orthodox, Finnish Orthodox,
Coptic Orthodox, Macedonian O rthodox, Rumanian Orthodox, Russian
Orthodox/Christ Declaring, Russian Orthodox/Moscow Patriarchate, Serbian
Orthodox, Syrian Orthodox, Eastern Assyrian.
5. On the Christian Democrats’ principles, see http://www.kristdemokraterna.se/
otherlanguages/English.aspx. Accessed July 19, 2009.
6. See http://www.jf-stockholm.org/english/index.php. Accessed April 14, 2010.
This Web site offers information about Stockholm’s Great Synagogue and includes
a link to a history of the Jews in Sweden.