focus is on what these terms have meant in the past and what they are coming
to mean in the present. Another is on the status, roles, and issues facing
women. The last is a look at the ongoing evolution of an educational system
that offers almost literally cradle to grave opportunities for individual growth
and development. Chapter 4 is about fun, special times Swedes celebrate and
how they do so; customs; foods; leisure activities; and sports. Chapter 5 takes
a look at the major mass media of Sweden: the press, radio, television, and the
internet. It is about how Swedes are informed and entertained. Chapter 6 sur-
veys Swedish literature—first by looking at its histor y, and then turning to
several important genre, including crime fiction and immigrant literature,
and examining what contemporar y Swedes read. Chapter 7 introduces the
per forming arts—theater, op era, dance, music, and film. Chapter 8 surveys
the past and present of Sweden’s art, architecture, and design.
One of the most challenging aspects of writing this book was obtaining cur-
rent information. It is one thing to reflect on one’s own experiences or impres-
sions, and quite another to make the contents useful, accurate, and up-to-date.
Scholarly books and articles on many of the themes considered were, of course,
very important, but they were also often years out of date. More current
printed material s in periodicals or the press helped to fill some of the gaps.
Conversations with Swedish friends were frequently useful, too. Not surpris-
ingly, the internet proved to be an absolutely essential tool—one that is contin-
uously evolving as an increasingly important aid to research. However, it also
had its limitations, some of which became very clear as I worked through this
project. One, of course, was the sheer glut of information. Some good, some
bad. All research involves source evaluation, and applying various measures of
reliability to internet sources was essential. Another downside of the internet
is that many Web sites are not permanent. (Perhaps none are.) Information that
was available one day was gone another.
In the end I was glad to have ta ken on this project. However, I w as time
and again reminded of the pitfalls that are inherent in an undertaking of this
kind and aware of the limitations in terms of accuracy and completeness I
faced. At the core of these is the assumption that there are such things as
national cultures and customs or that a national group, even one supposedly
as homogeneous as Sweden’s, can be defined by some set of shared historical
events, famous people, images, icons, festivals and celebrations , foods,
cultural artifacts, politics, ideals, beliefs, everyday behaviors, etc. What is
manifestly clear is that all definitions of Sweden’s (and any other countr y’s)
culture and customs are going to be skewed and vary widely. Time, place,
the perspectives of the observer, generation, age, ethnicity, political affiliation,
religious beliefs, context, audience, and intended purpose are some of the
factors that will influence these definitions. Also, trying to develop such