The lead architect for this was Gunnar Asplund, whose Stockholm City
Libra ry forms a kind of bridge between the old and new. His design for the
main exposition building, with its walls of glass suspende d in a steel frame ,
epitomized the new direction. So, too, did the other exhibition buildings
and the model apartments and houses on display. Concurrently, the house-
wares (furniture, kitchenware, etc.) utilized at the site and even the advertis-
ing posters and other graphic works were in the new style.
For much of the remainder of the twentieth century, Swedish designers,
along with their colleagues in the other Nordic countries, enjoyed great influ-
ence, and Scandinavian Modern became both a defining element of cultures
of all the Nordic countries and a commonly used international term. One
should note, however, that this shift in design was not solely the work of
Swedes or Scandinavians. This was, for example, the era of the Bauhaus in
Germany and of Frank Lloyd Wright a nd many other modern architects in
America. The development of Modern architecture was an international pro-
cess. It is also important to keep in mind the connections this new architec-
ture had with other aspects of the 1930s. This was the decade in which the
Social Demo crats gained a near majority in the parliament and were able to
begin serious eff orts to build the people’s home (folkhemmet). It was an era
of great faith in people’s ability to engineer the good society—in politics,
social programs, education, the arts, and architecture.
The Swedish modernists fundamentally altered the look of the architec-
tural landscape. Their work included housing projects based upon affordable
small, single family houses and multistory apartment complexes, bridges such
as Va
sterbron/West Bridge and road complexes like the tangled web that strad-
dles Slussen in Stockholm, subway stations, office buildings like Wenner-Gren
Center or the Cooperati ve Society’s Glas h us e t /Glass House, and public or
government buildings like Riksbankhuset/The National Bank Building. The
last of these opened in 1976. Designed by Peter Celsing, it has a cold, impos-
ing, some believe even sterile, black granite exterior. ( The intention was to
convey a sense of solidity and safety—appropriate for a bank.) The interior
is much warmer and lighter, and spaces are filled with superb examples of
Swedish interior design.
Some of the best (and most controversial) examples of Swedish functional-
ism are the suburban apartment complexes designed and built in the 1960s
under the so-called Million Programme/Million Program—a successful effort
to create 1 million new housing units to meet a pressing need in many Swed-
ish cities. These complexes, such as Tensta, Rinkeby, and Ska
rholmen in
Stockholm, Hammarkullen in Go
teborg, and Rosenga
rd in Ma lm o
designed as self-contained suburbs that included a number of multistory
apartment buildings (both high-rise and lower, t hree-to-five story units),