were often executed on the walls of rural homes in the province and were
signs of real or pretended affluence.
In the nineteenth century, the folk arts were threatened by industrialization
and urbanization, and many feared that the old ways would vanish. In response,
a broad-based and extensive folk movement developed that took several direc-
tions. One was aimed at the preser vation of local history, customs, material
artifacts, and sources of information. It resulted in the formation of local soci-
reningar and the founding of the national umbrella organiza-
tion, Sweden’s Union of Local Societies/Sveriges Hembygdsfo
in 1916. Today, overall membership totals more than half a million, which is
distributed among 26 SH-affiliated regional organizations, which in turn serve
as umbrellas for local societies. For example, in the western Swedish county of
n, some 95 local groups belong to Bohusla
ns Hembygdsfo
rbund, which
has a total membership of more than 35,000!
Another direction this movement took concentrated on the preservation of
specific crafts, designs, patterns, and the skills they involved, as well as upo n
ongoing efforts to market handcraft products. Here one result was the founding
of handcraft-focused gro ups called hemslo
rening. They created a national
organization, The Swedish National Union of Handcraft Associations/Svenska
reningarnas Riksfo
rbund/SHR, in 1912. Today SHR has more than
15,000 members and works with about 70 local and 24 county associati ons.
There are three national organizations affiliated with it and 23 affiliated shops
that feature handcraft products. SHR also has published the journal Hemslo
since 1933. A second important national organization dedicated to the preserva-
tion of a craft is The Association of Friends of the Textile Arts/Handarbetets Va
ner/HV. It was founded in 1874, and today maintains a center in Stockholm that
houses an extensive studio dedicated to the textile arts (HV Atelje), offices, an
exhibition area, a shop, and HV Skolan/HV School.
A third direction for this movement involved the preservation and practice
of folk music and dance. For example, players, called spelma
n, f ormed local
and regional associations, and today there is a national organization, Sveriges
ns Riksfo
rbund, based in the idyllic Dalarna town of Ra
Also important in the development of this folk movement were the previ-
ously mentioned efforts in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
to define Sweden and the Swedes in terms of national identity. The folk arts,
along with other elements such as history, customs, dialects, and folklore, were
important parts of the constructed identity that developed. Artur Hazelius
and his Nordic Museum pl ayed a centr al role in this, as did the state via the
growing public education system, the military, and encouragement of exposi-
tions such as th e one held i n Stockholm in 1 897. Today, the Department of
Kulturdepartmentet plays a leading role in folk art preservation, and