His most recent film, Mammut/Mammouth (2008) was i nternational in
character—its language was English; its cast came from the Uni ted Sta tes,
the Philippines, Mexico, and Sweden; and it was shot in the United States,
the Philippines, Thailand, and Sweden. Several layers of story ran through the
film as it dealt with issues of child loneliness, career obsessions, conflicted
individuals living behind facades of material happiness, poverty, and personal
How or through what auspices have the hundreds of films made in Sweden
over the last century been made, paid for, staffed, and the like? For seven
decades one company dominated both filmmaking and the theaters in which
they were seen: Svensk Filmindustri AB/Swedis h Film Indu stry, Inc., estab-
lished in 1919. In 1983, the company was purchased by the Bonnier invest-
ment group and split into SF Bio AB (the aters) and Sven sk Filmindustri AB
(filmmaking). A second company, Eu ro p a fi l m AB , was in the business
between 1930 and 1984, when it, too, was bought by Bonnier and merged
with SF AB.
Betw een 1920 and 1969, the center of Swedish film produc-
tion was at a studio complex in Ra
sunda in the Stockholm suburb of Solna.
Called Filmstaden/Film City, it included studios, set and costume facilities,
film labs, and relaxation areas. Some 400 films came from this facility. Today,
Svensk Filmindustri AB has only its administrative headquarters there, and the
old buildings house offices, shops, studios, and restaurants. New, modern
apartment complexes surround the old film city.
Although Stockholm
remains a hub for filmmaking, several other centers have developed in recent
years, including three major regional ones: Film i va
st/Film West, based in
ttan near Go
teborg and established in 1992; Film i Ska
Ystad and established in 1995; and Filmpool Nord, based in Lulea
and estab-
lished in 1992. Each of these serves several functions—mainly as funding
sources, production facility centers, and promoters of the genre and of
cooperation within Sweden, the Nordic region, and Europe. European Union
policies, programs, and funding have aided these groups in recent years, too.
In addition to filmmaking involvement, they sponsor film festivals and edu-
cational programs. Collectively, they have had a hand in hundreds of produc-
tions including feature length films, documentaries, television programs, and
animations. One or more of them were i mportant in the production of Jan
Troell’s Mari a Larssons eviga o
gonblick, Alfredson’s La
t den ra
tte komma, and
Mood ysson’s Mammut in 2007–8.
Finally, the Swedish Film Institute,
founded in 1963, is an important aid in funding and promoting film in
Sweden, and Swedish Television, which has produced hundreds of single
and multiepisode films over the years, is important as a source of films.
Two other indicators of the vitality of Swedish film are the Guldbagge/Gold
Bug Awards and the 30 or more film festivals held in the country annually.