they face potential disaster, cope with misfortune, or explore something new
in the series, when she became more psychologically introspective.
A number of parallel themes and forms have run through Sweden’s child-
ren’s literature since the late 1940s. Some of these echo earlier patterns; others
have arisen from the history and developments of the new period; many deal
with the same topics or ideas as adult fiction. Contemporary Sweden’s child-
ren’s literature is populated with boo ks that serve as instructions for life; are
bui lt around adventure, pure fantasy, science fiction, crime, biography, and
psychological themes; or have at their cores cr itiques of t he social sy stem or
address global issues. The winners of the Nils Holgersson Prize (awarded
annually by Svensk Biblioteksfo
ren in g/ Swedish Librar y Association since
1950 and comprised of a plaque and 10,000 Swedish krona) over the last
few years illustrate this variety. The winner in 2003 was A
sa Lind’s Sandvar-
gen/The Sand Wolf. A fantasy story for young children about a little girl
and a golden wolf, it was described by the prize committee as “a philosophi-
cal, thoughtful, playful, and life affirming reading adventure” that was always
told from a child’s perspective.
The 2004 prize went to Douglas Foley for
his shoo bre/Hello, a serious story about two boys from different backgrounds
and with very different lives growing up in today’s Sweden that is leading to a
seemingly inevitable bad end. The title derived from shobresvenska, another of
the labels used for the variants of Swedish that are developing in many places,
but especially in the high-rise communities of the suburbs built in the 1960s
and where many of the new Swedes live today. Collectively, the new mixed
dialects are referred to as fo
rortsvenska/Suburb Swedish. Petter Lidbeck’s En
dag i prinsessan Victorias liv/A Day in Princess Victor ia’s Life took the prize
in 2005. This was another illustrated children’s book, in this case about a
much loved little girl with Downs Syndrome. In 2006, Kajsa Isakson, a
well-known Stockholm playwright and theater artistic director, won the prize
for Min Ella/My Ella, a story about the life at school for two teenaged girls. In
language that captured the voice of young people, she dealt with problems
common to this stage in life includ ing fear, anxiety, l ack of confidence, and
bullying. For 2007, Cannie Mo
ller won the prize in recognition for all of
her work. Her first book, Kriget om ka
llan/War over the Spring, appeared in
1983, and since then she has produced a variety of books that deal with alter-
native futures, the problems of Sweden’s multicultural society, relationships,
gender roles, the collective and the individual, and conflict resolution. The
Swedish Library Society has described her work as “nuanced, consistently
realistic, believable, and anchored in a strong love of humanity and belief in
the future.”
Fi nally, in 2008, the prize went to Mikael Engstro
Isdrake n/The Ice Dragon, a book aimed at teenaged readers about Mik, a