of real ism and attention to contemporary societal problems, has been called
Sweden’s first modern novel and embodied what was termed “the modern
breakthrough” by the Danish critique Georg Brandes a few years later.
Among h is best- known plays are Maste r Olof, Miss Julie, The Father, Easter,
A D ream Play,andGhost Sonata. Hi s w el l - k n own novel s i n c l u de Getting
Married, Son of a Servant, and Natives of Hemso
The twentieth century was a rich and varied period for Swedish literature,
and this remains true in the early twenty-firs t century. Six Swedes from this
period have won the Nobel Prize in Literature since its introduction in
1901: Selma Lagerlo
f (1909), Verner von Heidenstam (1916), Erik Axel
Karlfeldt (posthumously in 1931), P a
r Lagerkvist (1951), and E yvind Johnson
and Harr y Martinson (jointly in 1974). Many more have been or still are
members of the Svenska Akademien/The Swedish Aca demy, an organiza tion
founded in 1786 by King Gustav III to “work for the Swedish language’s
purity, strength, and greatness, or its clarity, expressiveness, and reputation.”
Its membership or “chair holders,” which includes some of Sweden’s finest
writers, is limited to 18. In 2009, the members were: Sten Rudholm, b.
1918 (e lected 1977), (dec eased November 29, 2008) ; Bo Ralph, b. 1945
(elected 1999); Sture Alle
n, b. 1928 (elected 1980); Anders Olsson, b. 1949
(elected 200 8); Go
ran Malmqvist, b. 1924 (elected 1985); Birgitta Trotzig,
b. 1929 (elected 1993); Knut Ahnlund, b. 1923 (elected 1983); Jesper Sven-
bro, b. 1944 (elected 2006); Torgny Lindgren, b. 1938 (elected 1991); Peter
Englund, b. 1957 (elected 2002); Ulf Linde, b. 1929 (elected 1977); Per
stberg, b. 1933 (elected 1997); Gunnel Vallquist, b. 1918 (elected 1982);
Kristina Lugn, b. 1948 (elected 2006); Kerstin Ekman, b. 1933 (elected
(elected 1997), Permanent Secretary; and Katarina Frostenson, b. 1953
(elected 1992).
To make order of all that has been and continues to be written in Sweden in
the last century or so, many scholars have divided the period into decades, so
there are the writers of the century change (sekelskiftet), the 1910s (tiotalister),
the 1920s (tjugotalister), and so on. Also, writers and their works have been
typed by specific genre labels that include neo-romantic, modern, post mod-
ern, working class, regional, epic narrative, feminist, historic, autobiographic,
documentary, political, social criticism, crime fiction, and immigrant. The
lists of authors who have made it into literature histories, the syllabi of the
public schools and universities, best-seller lists, and the hearts of Swedish
readers are long, and only a small sampling will be attempted here.