PART I. New Social Technologies
S. Zuev. New social technologies in the sphere of culture (the cultural bases for the
professiogramme of a contemporary manager)
O. Darsht. Public relations in the museums: the technology of success
M. Gnedovsky. "Factory of stars" (about the role of museum competitions)
T. Poliakov. In search of the "living" museum. Scenario concept of
the exhibition system for Kranz town museum
N. Pavlova. The sources for the contemporary museum financing
and some words about fundraising
A. Lebedev. Museum representation in INTERNET. Russian and
fextemal experience
PART II. New Technical Means
K. Nasedkin. Computing in Russian museums (from the simple
units towards the complex systems)
Ye. Koscheeva, Yu. Loshak, M. Tumin. Complex automated museum system CAMIS
A. Lebedev. Multimedia technologies: possibilities and realities
N. Nlckishin. Museums in the global telecommunication networks
N.Selivanov. The subjective view on the museums from the virtual