TVM (team value management) 379
two-bin inventory system 362
two-handed process chart 669
type I and type II errors 506–7, 524–5,
tyre replacement service 274–5
U-form organizations 240–1
U-shaped flows 438
UAV (unmanned aerial vehicles) 207
UCL (upper control limits) 525,
Ulrich, Dave 236
unassignable variation 172–4
uncertainty 47, 121, 302, 459–61
in supply and demand 273–4, 364
under-utilization 300, 312
unethical behaviour 646
uniqueness, projects 459
unit costs see costs
unitary form organizations 240–1
United Airlines 575
United Phototonics Malaysia 488–92
Universal Product Code 215
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) 207
upper control limits (UCL) 525,
upstream 141, 143, 391, 669
Upton, David 448
urgent-action zones 614
usage value 363–5, 669
utilization 89, 105–7, 300, 306, 312,
325, 338–9, 432, 669
vacuum cleaners 116–17
valuable operating time 278, 669
value-added throughput efficiency 104
value-adding activities 20, 299, 436–8,
value analyses 127
value engineering (VE) 127–8, 669
value stream mapping 436–7
Van Valen, Leigh 542
variability 105–7, 325, 334–5, 338,
443–6, 526
variable costs 148, 189
variables, quality see quality
variation 547, 669
in demand 19, 20, 22
process 553–4
in process quality 521–6
variety 669
of output 19, 20, 22
reduction 124
see also volume–variety
vendor-managed inventory (VMI) 398
vertical integration 142, 143–6, 389, 669
Vijay Dairy & Farm Products 414–15
violations 575, 597–9
Virgin Trains 95
virtual offices 249
virtual operations 389, 669
virtual prototype 129, 669
viruses 577
visibility 19, 20–2, 439, 669
vision, shared, risk management 574
visioning, ERP 416
visual control 430
Vitacress 505
VMI (vendor-managed inventory) 398
volume 669
decisions, inventories 345, 346–57
flexibility 46, 202, 223, 669
of outputs 19, 22
volume resellers 410
effect on planning and control 272
flows 187
positions 91, 96
process technology reflects 221–3
voluntary dimension of corporate
social responsibility 634, 637,
Volvo 248
Voss, C.A. 452
of design option 120–1, 128, 660
supply chains 400
VUT formula 337
wages, global sourcing and 384
waiting lines see queuing
waiting times 55, 106–7, 430, 435
waiting tolerance 20
Wal-Mart 390
walking the talk 618
Walley, P. 221
WAN (wide area networks) 212, 669
warehouses 356–7
warehousing 214
warm standby 587
waste 51, 90
corporate social responsibility 639
elimination 430, 433, 436–46, 550
identification 548
minimization 639–40
planning and control effects 639
production of 643
recycling 639, 643
reduction 639–40
in services 448
seven types of 435–6
Waste Management, Inc. 417
watercress 505
watermelons 120
WBS (work breakdown structure) 468,
WD-40 119
weather forecasting 304
web-integrated enterprise resource
planning 409, 414, 669
wedding photography 500–1
weekly demand fluctuations 302–4
weighted score method of location
152–3, 669
Weldon Hand Tools 203–4
welfare of customers 644
well-being, staff 643
whats 126–7
Wheelwright, S.C. 63–4, 95–6
whisky industry 548–9
why–why analyses 5633
Wi-Fi 212
Wichita Mutual insurance 565–7
wide area networks (WAN) 212, 669
Wikipedia 119
Wincanton 298
WIP see work-in-progress
wired networks 212
wireless LANs (WLAN) 212
wireless networks 212
W.L. Gore & Associates Inc 234–5
work breakdown structure (WBS) 468,
work content 100, 103–4, 197, 199, 669
work-in-progress (WIP) 89, 101–3,
333–9, 344, 345, 669
work–life balance 643
work measurement 243, 253–4, 262–5,
work organization see jobs: design
work packages 468
work patterns, scheduling 288
work-related stress 238, 295
work study 243, 259–65, 669
work times allocation 197, 252–4
workflow 104, 396
workforce size 314
Workhouse project, National Trust
working capital 300, 347, 349, 391
working environment, job design
working hours, global sourcing and 384
working practices 434
World Bank 634
world wide web 212–13, 214, 669
worms 577
Xchanging 556
Yamaha 185
yield management 316–17, 669
Yo! Sushi 211
Zara 401–4
zero defects 511, 554, 669