3 Sources include: Doran, J., Hoover heading for sell-off as
Dyson cleans up in America, The Times, 4 February, 2006.
4 Sources: many thanks to Mark Taber and his site
www.takelifeeasy.com; The Economist, Open, but not as
usual, 16 Mar 2006; Ralph Kisiel, BMW wants joint effort
to develop open-source in-vehicle platform, Automotive
News Europe, 23 October 2008.
5 Sources include: Square fruit stuns Japanese shoppers,
BBC web site, Friday, 15 June 2001; S. Poulter, Square
melons on the way, Daily Mail, 3rd August 2006; we
would also like to thank our colleague, Paul Walley, who
first found this example for us.
6 With thanks to George Northwood, Manager of Daniel
Hersheson’s Mayfair salon.
7 Source: Think local, The Economist, 13 April 2002.
8 For more information on QFD for products and services
see, for example: Behara, R.S. and Chase, R.B. (1993) Service
quality deployment: quality service by design in Sarin, R.V.
(ed.), Perspectives in Operations Management: Essays in
Honor of Elwood S. Buffa, Kluwer Academic Publishers;
Evans, J.R. and Lindsay, W.M. (1993) The Management
and Control of Quality (2nd edn), West Publishing,
Minneapolis; Fitzsimmons, J.A. and Fitzsimmons, M.J.
(1994) Service Management for Competitive Advantage,
McGraw-Hill; Meredith, J.R. (1992) The Management of
Operations (4th edn), John Wiley.
9 Taguchi, G. and Clausing, D. (1990) ‘Robust quality’,
Harvard Business Review, vol. 68, no. 1, 65–75.
10 Bennis, W. and Biederman, P.W., Organizing Genius: The
Secrets of Creative Collaboration, Addison-Wesley, 1997;
new edn, Nicholas Brealey, 1998.
11 Hayes, R.H., Wheelwright, S.C. and Clarke, K.B. (1988)
Dynamic Manufacturing, The Free Press.
Chapter 6
1 Source: For whom the Dell tolls, Economist, 13 May 2006;
Rory Cellan-Jones, Dell aims to reclaim global lead, BBC
Business, 14 April 2008.
2 Brandenburger, A.M. and Nalebuff, B.J. (1996) Co-opetition,
Doubleday, New York.
3 Hayes, R.H. and Wheelwright, S.C. (1994) Restoring our
Competitive Edge, John Wiley.
4 Sources: Einhorn, B. and Zegels, T.M., The underdog
nipping at Quanta’s heels, Business Week, 21 October
2002; Economist, His hi-tech highness, 13 July 2002.
5 Bacon, G., Machan, I. and Dnyse, J. (2008) Offshore
challenges, Manufacturing, The Institute of Electrical
Engineers, January.
6 Sources include: Devendra Damle; Economist, Nano wars,
28 August 2008; Economist, The one-lakh car, 10 January
2008; Economist, A new home for the Nano, 9 October
7 Sources include: www.tescoplc.com, www.investorcentre.
tescoplc.com/plc, www.tescolotus.net and discussions
with managers at Tesco.
8 Source: 2003 Cedep Working paper, Paris.
9 Sources: Einhorn, B., Hi-tech in China, Business Week,
28 October 2002; Kripalani, M., Calling Bangalore,
Business Week, 11 November 2002.
10 This case was prepared using published sources of
information. It does not reflect the views of the Walt
Disney Company, which should not be held responsible
for the accuracy or interpretation of any of the informa-
tion or views contained in the case. It is not intended to
illustrate either good or bad management practice.
Supplement to Chapter 6
1 Linstone, H.A. and Turoof, M. (1975) The Delphi Method:
Techniques and Applications, Addison-Wesley.
2 Hogarth, R.M. and Makridakis, S. (1981) Forecasting and
planning: an evaluation, Management Science, vol. 27,
3 Hogarth, R.M. and Makridakis, S., op. cit.
4 Armstrong, J.S. and Grohman, M.C. (1972) A compara-
tive study of methods for long-range market forecasting,
Management Science, vol. 19, no. 2, 211–21.
Chapter 7
1 Sources: Paul Walley, our colleague in the Operations
Management Group at Warwick Business School, Irisys
web site (2009) www.irisys.co.uk, Martin, P., How super-
markets make a meal of you, Sunday Times, 4 November
2 Jonathon Carr-Brown, French factory surgeon cuts NHS
queues, Sunday Times, 23 October 2005.
3 Sources: Interviews with company staff and Johnston, R.,
Chambers, S., Harland, C., Harrison, A. and Slack, N. (2003)
Cases in Operations Management, 3rd edn, Financial Times
Prentice Hall, Harlow.
4 Francis, Richard L. and White, John A. (1974) Facilities
Layout and Location, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
5 There are many different methods of balancing. See, for
example, Kilbridge, K. and Wester, L. (1961), A heuristic
method of assembly line balancing, Journal of Industrial
Engineering, vol. 57, no. 4; or Steyn, P.G. (1977) Schedul-
ing multi-model production lines, Business Management,
vol. 8, no. 1.
Chapter 8
1 Economist, Help! There’s nobody in the cockpit,
21 December 2002.
2 Sources: Financial Times, Rise of the robots, 3 April 2009;
The Times, When robots do the really dangerous jobs,
14 August 2006.
3 Sources: Company web site and George, R., Mr Sushi-Go-
Round, The Independent on Sunday, 30 December 2001.
4 Source: IBM company web site.
5 Source: Booz Allen and Hamilton data quoted in de
Jacquelot, P. (1999) Ups and downs of Internet banking,
Connections, Issue 1, Financial Times.
6 Based on A. Gunasekaran, H.B. Marri, R.E. McGaughey
and M.D. Nebhwani (2002) E-commerce and its impact
on operations management, International Journal of Pro-
duction Economics, 75, 185–97.
7 Tiwari, Rajnish and Buse, Stephan (2007) The Mobile
Commerce Prospects: A Strategic Analysis of Opportunities
in the Banking Sector, Hamburg University Press.
Notes on chapters
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