8 Adapted from Jayaraman, V. and Srivastara, R. (1996)
‘Export systems in Production and Operations Manage-
ment’, International Journal of Operations and Production
Management, vol. 16, no. 12.
9 Brown, D., Mechanical milkman allows farmer a lie in,
Daily Telegraph, 11 Sept. 1993.
10 Loh Den (2008) My New Favorite Barber: QB House,
denniland.com, 25 June.
11 Walley, P. and Amin, V. (1994) ‘Automation in a
Customer Contact Environment’, International Journal
of Operations and Production Management, vol. 14, no. 5,
12 Details courtesy of Johan Lindén, S.V.T. and Pär Åhlström,
Chalmers University.
13 Dosi, G., Teece, D. and Winter, S.G. (1992) ‘Towards a
theory of corporate coherence’, in Dosi, G., Giametti, R.
and Toninelli, P.A. (eds) Technology and Enterprise in a
Historical Perspective, Oxford University Press.
14 Chew, W.B., Leonard-Barton, D. and Bohn, R.E. (1991)
Beating Murphy’s Law, Sloan Management Review, vol. 5,
Chapter 9
1 Sources include: company web site; The Sunday Times
Best Companies to work for, W.L. Gore & Associates
(UK), The Sunday Times, 8 March 2009; Simon Caulkin,
Gore-Tex gets made without managers, The Observer,
Sunday 2 November 2008; Nick Smith, Profile: W.L. Gore,
The Institution of Engineering and Technology Know-
ledge network, 21 October 2008.
2 Accenture web site, www.accenture.com.
3 Ulrich, D. (1997) Human Resource Champions: The Next
Agenda for Adding Value and Delivering Results, Harvard
Business School Press, Boston.
4 Source: Fuzzy maths, The Economist, 13 May 2006.
5 The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) of the UK govern-
ment, www.hse.gov.uk/stress.
6 Based on work from the Advisory, Conciliation and
Arbitration Service, ACAS.
7 Morgan describes these and other metaphors in Gareth
Morgan (1986) Images of Organization, Sage.
8 Hoxie, R.F. (1915) Scientific Management and Labour,
D. Appleton, Washington, DC.
9 Hackman, J.R. and Oldham, G. (1975) A new strategy for
job enrichment, California Management Review, vol. 17,
no. 3.
10 Bowen, D.E. and Lawler, E.E. (1992) The empowerment
of service workers: what, why, how and when, Sloan Man-
agement Review, vol. 33, no. 3, 31–9.
11 Sources include: company web site; The Times Best
100 Companies, www.thetimes100.co.uk.
12 Kobrick, J.L. and Fine, B.J. (1983) Climate and human
performance’ in Osborne, D.J. and Gruneberg, M.M. (eds)
The Physical Environment and Work, John Wiley.
13 This case was written by Dr Ran Bhamra, Lecturer in
Engineering Management, Loughborough University. It is
based on a real situation, but names have been changed
for reasons of commercial confidentiality.
Chapter 10
1 Source: Interview with Joanne Cheung, Steve Deeley
and other staff at Godfrey Hall, BMW Dealership,
2 Sources: Jean Farman (1999) ‘Les Coulisses du Vol’, Air
France. Talk presented by Richard, E. Stone, Northwest
Airlines at the IMA Industrial Problems Seminar, 1998.
3 The concept of P:D ratios comes originally from
Shingo, S. (1981) Study of Toyota Production Systems, Japan
Management Association; and was extended by Mather,
K. (1988) Competitive Manufacturing, Prentice-Hall.
4 Source: Walley, P. (2009) MBA Course Notes, Warwick
University, UK.
5 Johnson, S.M. (1954) Optimal two-stage and three-stage
production schedules, Naval Logistics Quarterly, vol. 1,
no. 1.
6 We are grateful to our colleague Paul Walley for this section.
7 Source: Thanks to Lawrence Wilkins for this example.
8 Goldratt, E.Y. and Cox, J. (1984) The Goal, North River
Press, Great Barrington, Mass.
9 These are described in Betts, A. and Slack, N. (1999)
Control, knowledge and learning in process development,
Internal Report, University of Warwick Business School.
The original four dimensions are based on Hofstede, G.
(1981) Management control in public and not for profit
activities, Accounting Organization and Society, vol. 6, no. 3.
10 Source: Company website.
Chapter 11
With thanks to Alistair Brandon-Jones of Bath Business
School and staff at Britvic National Distribution Centre.
2 Sources: Ashworth, J., ‘Met Office brings sunshine to the
shops, The Times, 17 August 2002; The Economist, And
now here is the health forecast, 3 August 2002; Jackson,
H., Weather derivates are hot, Wall Street Journal Europe,
13 February 2002.
3 With special thanks to Philip Godfrey and Cormac
Campbell of OEE Consulting Ltd. (www.oeeconsulting.com).
4 Sources: Lynch, P. (1991) Making time for productivity,
Personnel Management, March; and Pickard, J. (1991)
Annual hours: a year of living dangerously, Personnel
Management, Aug.
5 Kimes, S. (1989) Yield management: a tool for capacity-
constrained service firms, Journal of Operations Manage-
ment, vol. 8, no. 4.
6 Sources include Robinette, S. (2001) Get emotional,
Harvard Business Review, May.
7 Maister, D. (1983) The psychology of waiting lines,
Harvard Business Review, Jan–Feb.
Chapter 12
1 Source: NBS web site and discussions with NBS staff.
2 With special thanks to John Mathews, Howard Smith
Paper Group.
Chapter 13
1 This example was prepared by Carsten Dittrich of the
University of Southern Denmark. Siemens case back-
Notes on chapters