Reliability: when applied to operations performance, it can
be used interchangeably with ‘dependability’, when used
as a measure of failure it means the ability of a system,
product or service to perform as expected over time, this
is usually measured in terms of the probability of it
performing as expected over time.
Reliability-centred maintenance: an approach to main-
tenance management that uses different types of main-
tenance for different parts of a process depending on their
pattern of failure.
Remainder cell: the cell that has to cope with all the
products that do not conveniently fit into other cells.
Re-order level: the level of inventory at which more items are
ordered, usually calculated to ensure that inventory does
not run out before the next batch of inventory arrives.
Re-order point: the point in time at which more items are
ordered, usually calculated to ensure that inventory does
not run out before the next batch of inventory arrives.
Repeatability: the extent to which an activity does not vary.
Repetitive strain injury (RSI): damage to the body because
of repetition of activities.
Research and development (R&D): the function in the
organization that develops new knowledge and ideas
and operationalizes the ideas to form the underlying
knowledge on which product, service and process design
are based.
Resource-based view (RBV): the perspective on strategy
that stresses the importance of capabilities (sometimes
known as core competences) in determining sustainable
competitive advantage.
Resource-to-order: operations that buy-in resources
and produce only when they are demanded by specific
Reverse engineering: the taking apart or deconstruction
of a product or service in order to understand how it has
been produced (often by a competing organization).
Robots: automatic manipulators of transformed resources
whose movement can be programmed and reprogrammed.
Rostering: a term used in planning and control, usually to
indicate staff scheduling, the allocation of working times
to individuals so as to adjust the capacity of an operation.
Run-to-breakdown maintenance: an approach to main-
tenance management that only repairs a machine or
facility when it breaks down.
SAP: a German company which is the market leader in
supplying ERP software, systems and training.
Scheduling: a term used in planning and control to indi-
cate the detailed timetable of what work should be done,
when it should be done and where it should be done.
Scientific management: a school of management theory
dating from the early twentieth century; more analytical
and systematic than ‘scientific’ as such, sometimes
referred to (pejoratively) as Taylorism, after Frederick
Taylor who was influential in founding its principles.
Second-tier: the description applied to suppliers and
customers who are separated from the operation only by
first-tier suppliers and customers.
Sequencing: the activity within planning and control that
decides on the order in which work is to be performed.
Service-level agreements (SLAs): formal definitions of the
dimensions and levels of service that should be provided
by one process or operation to another.
Service shops: service processes that are positioned
between professional services and mass services, usually
with medium levels of volume and customization.
Set-up reduction: the process of reducing the time taken
to changeover a process from one activity to the next;
also called ‘single-minute exchange of dies’ (SMED) after
its origins in the metal pressing industry.
Shop-within-a-shop: an operations layout that groups
facilities that have a common purpose together; the term
was originally used in retail operations but is now some-
times used in other industries, very similar to the idea of
a cell layout.
Short fat processes: processes designed with relatively few
sequential stages, each of which performs a relatively large
part of the total task, the opposite of long thin processes.
Simulation: the use of a model of a process, product or
service to explore its characteristics before the process,
product or service is created.
Simultaneous development: overlapping these stages in the
design process so that one stage in the design activity can
start before the preceding stage is finished, the intention
being to shorten time to market and save design cost
(also called ‘simultaneous engineering’ or ‘concurrent
Single-minute exchange of dies (SMED): alternative term
for set-up reduction.
Single-sourcing: the practice of obtaining all of one type
of input product, component, or service from a single
supplier, as opposed to multi-sourcing.
Six Sigma: an approach to improvement and quality
management that originated in the Motorola Company
but which was widely popularized by its adoption in
the GE Company in America. Although based on tradi-
tional statistical process control, it is now a far broader
‘philosophy of improvement’ that recommends a par-
ticular approach to measuring, improving and managing
quality and operations performance generally.
Skunkworks: a small, focused development team who are
taken out of their normal working environment.
Social responsibility: the incorporation of the operation’s
impact on its stakeholders into operations management
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