Materials of the Fifth International Conference on Science and Business
Science and Training for Biosafety
Galina Gorelikova, Valery Poznjakovsky
Technological Institute of Food Industry, Кеmerovo, Russia
The research results of safety of plant raw materials different species in
Siberian region are showed in this work. Toxic elements distribution during
biotechnology processing (enzyme hydrolysis) of raw materials has been studied.
Biotechnological modification results of non-organic selenium into organic forms
for example of yellow melilot are given.
Quality and the safety of the food products are achieved the particular actuality, in the
case of functional purpose products manufacture. Nowadays one of the perspective directions of
food biotechnology is usage of herb raw materials contenting in their compositions a wide
spectrum of biologically active substances.
A lot of herbs have the ability to accumulate the mineral stuffs from their environment.
From one hand, this ability is promoted to the plant’s alimentary value increasing, from the
other hand, it is a risk factor to include the certain quantity of mineral stuffs with toxic action.
That is why the safety of herb raw materials which are used as the source of biologically active
substances, including the products of functional purpose, is need in especial attention.
The investigation results of different species of herb raw materials safety, including
herb raw materials enriched with selenium, in Siberian region are showed in this work. The raw
materials cultivated in regions of Kemerovo, Tomsk, Altay were analysed (the total number of
herb raw materials species is 37). Admissible levels of toxic elements according to Sanitary
Rules and Norms for Food Products (SanPiN in determination of toxic elements
contents in herb raw materials were used as a norms. The concentrations of toxic substances
(nitrates, pesticides, toxic elements) were less than admissible levels as investigation results
have been showed. So these results tell us about ecological safety of herb raw materials and
correct choice of herbs stocking up places.
Instead of the herb namely half-products (infusions, extracts and so on) made from this
herb raw materials are used in producing of the beverages and other food products. In this
connection we have been investigated the distribution of toxic elements during biotechnological
treatment of the plant raw materials.
The research was fulfilled in an example of herb’s extracts of bergenia, meadowsweet,
pepper mint, knot-grass, milfoil. Herb raw materials were extracted by means of water-enzyme
hydrolysis. The toxic elements concentrations in original raw materials, extracts, and fulfilled
shraut were determined.
It is a positive moment that a great deal of toxic elements is remained in shraut. So, a
big portion of lead from bergenia and peppermint leaves, milfoil, knot-grass and meadowsweet
herb is remained in shraut (85, 87, 50, 91 and 75 % accordingly). Cadmium portion in shraut
of bergenia and knot-grass is reached 89 and 73 % from their portion in starting raw stuff. This
element is distributed equally between extract and shraut of milfoil. 64 % of cadmium is got
into extract of meadowsweet. Contained in meadowsweet cooper basically (66 %) is localized in
extract. The biggest portion of copper is remained in shraut of other herbs : peppermint, milfoil,
knot-grass, bergenia (72, 90, 65, 93 % accordingly).
Comparative analysis of the toxic elements concentrations in herbs with admissible
levels has been showed that the real quantities of toxic elements were in several times less the