Materials of the Fifth International Conference on Science and Business
Science and Training for Biosafety
V.V. Buyanov
, Chmyr I.A.
, Semenov А.М.
, Nikolskaya V.P.
, Pudova О.B.
Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Scientific Centre «Scientific Research Institute of
Biological Engineering» Federal Agency for Medicine and Biology, Moscow , Russia,
Department of Microbiology, Biological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow , Russia,
Quickly to receive the answer about quality of the lead disinfection, works
on selection of dye for differentiation of spores by a principle alive / dead are
conducted. The technique of application of dye L-7012 LIVE/DEAD BacLight
Bacterial Viability Kit which allows to differentiate and take into account alive and
dead cells in one drug after processing by dry hydrogen dioxide is fulfilled.
The complex of researches has been lead with the purpose of search of ways of fast
differentiation of viable and dead spores. B. cereus var. anthracoides 250. For this purpose it
was offered to use dyes L-7012 LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit which allow to
differentiate and take into account alive and dead cells in one drug (Molecular probes, 2001).
With this purpose there was a suspension of spores В. cereus on 5 test tubes with the
oblique culture medium of the following composition: the Solution A, in g/0,5 л distilled water
(sterilization at +1 atmosphere): К2НРО4 - 5,0; NaCl - 1,0; MnCl2*4H20 - 0,04; FeSO4*7H2O
- 0,0025; molybdate of ammonium - 0,002; an agar - 17 g; рН-7,0. A solution В, in g/0,5 л
distilled water (sterilization at +0,5 atmosphere): glucose - 30; hydrolysate of casein (Difko) -
2,5; MgSO4*7 H2O - 0,5; CaCl2 * 2 H20 - 0,3. Solutions A and В also would seat in an
autoclave separately and mix equal volumes after cooling up to 50оС (Methods of the
general{common} bacteriology under Gerhard's edition, т. 1.1983). Cultivation carried out
within 1 day in a thermostat at 30оС. A biomass of diurnal culture washed off in distilled water
with a loop and have transferred on 1 ml to microtest tubes. Suspension has been mixed with
use of the device for agitating (Elmi V-3). One of test tubes has been warmed up during 4 mines
in a boiling water bath.
Dye L-7012 LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit stored{kept} at a minus
20оС, defroze at ambient temperature in darkness and centrifuged at 15000 rpm during 1 mines,
according to the instruction on use of dye. After experiment, dye again has been frozen. With
micropipet have added in each test tube on 1,5 mcl of a component of dye A and 1,5 mcl of a
component В of dye In from L-7012 LIVE/DEAD BacLight Bacterial Viability Kit. Contents
has been mixed of each test tube and has been sustained at ambient temperature in darkness
within 15 minutes. On 5 mcl pigmented bacterial cloud observed in a fluorescent microscope,
light filters (ФС1-6 - filtering and ЖС 18-2 cutting), an objective х100 with oil immersion.
In the drugs prepared from not heated up suspension of cells, containing alive
vegetative cells, in a plenty the extended cells luminous by brightly green light, rods are
distinctly visible. There are luminous brightly green light, shallow spherical forms which,
undoubtedly, are spores "which have "left" cells. There was a set of vegetative cells containing
spores, thus the spores which are taking place in cells, shine saturated green light and is
brighter, than cells bearing them. Besides the extended which according to the instruction
applied to dye should be attributed to impractical were sometimes found out luminous yellow -
orange, sometimes with points of faintly green color.
In the drugs prepared from heated up suspension of cells, the lengthy rods, in part in the
chains, luminous yellow - orange, sometimes with points of faintly green color are found out.
Also there are spherical forms luminous by brightly green light - spores which were not lost at