14.4 Explicit Finite Difference Methods 619
difference equation (14.4.31) converges to the exact solution of the problem
as h, k → 0. The proof of the existence of a solution and its convergence
to the exact solution as h and k tend to zero is essentially based on the
Maximum Modulus Pri nciple. It follows from the finite difference equation
(14.4.30) or (14.4.31) that the val ue of |u| at any interior grid point does
not exceed its value at any of the four ad join ing no d al p oints. In other
words, the value of u at P
cannot exceed its values at the four adjoining
points P
i +
and P
i,j + 1
. The successive application of this argument at
all interior grid points leads to the conclusion that |u| at the interior grid
points cannot be greater than the maximum value of |u| on the boundary.
This may be recognized as the finite difference analogue of the Maximum
Modulus Principle discussed in Section 9.2. Thus, the success of the nu-
merical method is directly associated with the existence of the Maximum
Modulus Principle.
Clearly, the present numerical algorithm deals with a large numb er of
algebraic equations. Even though numerical accuracy can be improved by
making h and k sufficiently small, there is a major computational difficulty
involved in the numerical solution of a large number of equations. It is
possible to handle such a large number of algebraic equations by direct
methods or by iterative methods, but it would be very difficult to obtain
a numerical solution with sufficient accuracy. It is therefore necessary to
develop some alternative methods of solution that can be conveniently and
efficiently carried out on a computer.
In order to eliminate some of the d rawbacks stated above, one of the nu-
merical schemes, the Liebmann’s iterative method, is useful. In this method
values of u are first guessed for all interior grid points in addition to those
given as the boundary points on the edges of the given domain. These values
are denoted by u
where the superscript 0 indicates the zeroth iteration.
It is convenient to choose a square grid so that the simplified finite differ-
ence equation (14.4.32) can be used. The values of u are calculated for the
next iteration by using (14.4.32) at every interior point based on the values
of u at the present iteration. The sequence of computation starts from the
interior grid point located at the lowest left corner, proceeds upward un-
til reaching the top, and then goes to the bottom of the next vertical line
on the right. This process is repeated until the n ew value of u at the last
interior grid point at the upper right corner has been obtained.
At the starting point, formula (14.4.32) gives
+ u
+ u
+ u
, (14.4.33)
where u
and u
are boundary values which remain constant during
the iteration process. They may be replaced, respectively, with u
, u
(14.4.33). The computation at the next step involves u
. Since an improved
value u
is available at this time, it will be utilized instead. Hence,