280 9. Perturbed and Coupled Oscillators and Black Holes
continuous emergence. In other words the periodic behaviour has been destroyed. What
is also surprising from the data is just how small the dose was which caused this; see
Winfree (1975). Basically these experimental results suggest that there is a critical phase
and stimulus which destroy the basic underlying periodic behaviour or biological clock.
This has important implications for oscillators in general.
This section and the following three are principally concerned with biological oscil-
lators, the effect of stimulus and timing on the periodic behaviour and the experimental
evidence and implications. With the fruit fly experiments there is a singularity (or sin-
gularities) in the stimulus-timing-response space of the oscillator at which point the
oscillator simply quits or does unpredictable things. Away from this singularity the sub-
sequent behaviour is more or less predictable. Later, in Section 9.4, we describe other
stimulus experiments, namely, on cardiac tissue, which exhibit similar phase singularity
Prior to doing the analysis, which is very easy for the illustrative example we con-
sider, it is helpful to consider the simple pendulum to demonstrate the phenomena of
phase resetting and stimulus-timing-phase singularity that we have just described. Sup-
pose a pendulum is swinging with period ω, and suppose we measure zero phase or time
t = 0 from the time the pendulum bob is at S, its highest point, at the right, say. Then
every time t = nω for all integers n, the bob is again at S. If, during the regular oscilla-
tion, we give an impulse to the bob, we can clearly upset the regular periodic swinging.
After such an impulse or stimulus, eventually the pendulum again exhibits simple har-
monic motion, but now the bob does not arrive at S every t = nω but at some other time
t = t
+ nω,wheret
is some constant. In other words the phase has been reset. If we
now give a stimulus to the bob when it is exactly at the bottom of its swing we can, if
the stimulus is just right, stop the pendulum altogether. That is, if we give a stimulus of
the right size at the right phase or time we can stop the oscillation completely; this is
the singular point in the stimulus-phase-response space we referred to above in the fruit
fly experiments.
Suppose that an oscillator is described by some vector state variable u which satis-
fies the differential equation system
= f(u,λ), (9.1)
where f is the nonlinear rate function and λ denotes the parameters of the oscillator. For
visual clarity and algebraic simplicity, suppose (9.1) describes a limit cycle oscillator
involving only 2 species, x and y. Then typically the limit cycle trajectory is a simple
plane closed curve, γ say, in the two-dimensional species plane as in Figure 9.2(a). By
a suitable change of variable we can transform this limit cycle into one in which the
closed trajectory is a circle and the state of the oscillator is essentially described by an
angle θ, the ‘phase,’ with its origin at some arbitrary point on the circle. The limit cycle
is traversed with speed v = dθ/dt. In one complete traversal of the orbit, θ increases
by 2π.
A simple example of such a limit cycle system is
= R(r),
= Φ(r), (9.2)