296 9. Perturbed and Coupled Oscillators and Black Holes
a little more detail a particularly well-known biological example. In Sections 9.7 to
9.9 we discuss the weak coupling of two oscillators which we analyse using singular
perturbation techniques. Another example, involving many oscillators, is discussed later
in Chapter 12.
A striking and well-known visual example of coupled biological oscillators is the
phase-locking synchrony of the periodic flashing of light by large groups of stationary
fireflies (Pteroptyx malaccae). It is the males that flash to attract the females who fly
around looking for males with a particularly attractive flash. Many experimental studies
have quantified the ability of the individual firefly (and other insects) to vary the peri-
odicity of the light flashes. The Scientific American article by Buck and Buck (1976)
is a very nice introduction to the subject of firefly synchrony. Buck (1988) reviews
the biological literature on the synchronous rhythmic flashing of these fireflies. Early
work by Hanson (1978) showed that an individual firefly could change the phase of its
light-emitting oscillator, which is controlled by an endogenous neural pacemaker, and
synchronise, or entrain, to a flashing light as long as its period was in the neighbour-
hood of the firefly’s natural period of about 0.9 second. If the period of the artificial
light stimulus was too far away from the natural period no entrainment was possible.
Some fireflies are better at entrainment than others; Pteroptyx malaccae seem to be the
masters, being able to change their frequency by almost 15%. There have been several
mathematical models of synchronous fireflies notably by Rinzel and Ermentrout (1983),
Ermentrout (1991) and Mirollo and Strogatz (1990). Here we discuss only the simple,
but effective, model of Rinzel and Ermentrout (1983).
As in Section 9.1 let us denote the phase of the firefly’s oscillator at time t by θ(t)
and let its natural frequency be ω. That is, in the absence of any external stimulus, the
phase satisfies
= ω. (9.17)
To be specific, we assume the oscillator fires, and the light flashes, at θ = 0. Let us
denote the external phase by θ
(t), which has a frequency ω
= ω
. (9.18)
The firefly tries to synchronise its frequency to that of the external stimulus, speeding
up if it is too slow and slowing down if it is too fast. A simple model which does this is
= ω + I sin (θ
−θ), (9.19)
where the parameter I > 0. The size of the stimulus, I, is a measure of how effective
the firefly is at changing its frequency. If θ
is ahead of θ(0 <ω
and the firefly tries to speed up its phase. If
θ<ωthe firefly tries to slow down. This
form (9.19) is a special case of the equation for phase resetting, equation (9.5). A similar
type of assumption, based on a function of θ −θ
(t) but in a more complex situation, is
used below in Chapter 12, Section 12.3.