8.4 Relaxation Oscillators 269
Figure 8.3. (a) Typical limit cycle phase trajectory ABCDA for a relaxation oscillator. The two horizon-
tal parts of the trajectory are traversed very quickly. (b) The solution x(t) corresponding to the limit cycle
trajectory in (a).
System (8.21) is a typical singular perturbation problem (see, for example, the book by
Murray 1984) since ε multiplies one of the derivatives. Figure 8.3(a) illustrates a typ-
ical limit cycle phase plane trajectory for (8.21), with Figure 8.3(b) the corresponding
solution x(t).
From the first of (8.21), except where y ≈ f (x), x changes rapidly by O(1/ε).So,
referring now to Figure 8.3(a), along DA and BC, x(t) changes quickly. Along these
parts of the trajectory the appropriate independent variable is τ = t/ε rather than t.
With this transformation the second of (8.21) becomes, as ε → 0,
=−εx ⇒ y ≈ constant,
as it is on DA and BC in Figure 8.3(a). From (8.21), along the null cline y = f (x)
between AB and CDthe second equation becomes
≈−x (8.22)
which can be integrated to give x implicitly as a function of t.If f (x) is the Van der Pol
cubic above, or can be reasonably approximated by a piecewise linear function, then we
can integrate this equation exactly. We can then estimate (which we do in detail below)
the period T of the oscillation since the major contribution comes from the time it takes
to traverse the branches AB and CD: the time to move across DA and BC is small,
o(1). It can be shown that if T is the limit cycle period calculated in this manner from
(8.22), then the asymptotic limit cycle period of (8.21) has a correction of O(ε
our purposes all we need is the O(1) approximation for T .
By way of example, suppose f (x) = (1/3)x
− x, that is, (8.21) is the simple Van
der Pol oscillator, and let us calculate the O(1) period T . The null cline y = f (x) here
and the limit cycle relaxation trajectory are very similar in shape to those illustrated
in Figure 8.3 except that the origin has been moved to a point halfway down DB in
Figure 8.3(a) and to a point in Figure 8.3(b) such that the solution is symmetrical about
the x = 0 axis. From the above analysis, on integrating from the equivalent of A to B