Basic properties of the superconducting state 51
ditions, there may exist gapless superconductivity, since conventional super-
conductors have only one energy gap—the pairing one. We shall consider this
case at the end of this subsection.
As already discussed above, the energy gap in a superconductor is carried
by the Fermi surface, and occurs on either side of the Fermi level E
, as shown
in Fig. 2.11. The excited states of a superconductor are altered from the nor-
mal state. If in the normal state, it costs energy |E
− E
| to put electron into
an excited one-electron state, where E
is the single particle energy spectrum;
in the superconducting state, the energy cost is
− E
. Thus,
the minimum energy cost in the normal state is zero, whereas in the supercon-
ducting state, it is instead the smallest value of ∆. As a result, the electronic
system in the superconducting state is unable to absorb arbitrary small amounts
of energy. At T = 0 all electrons are accommodated in states below the energy
gap, and a minimum energy 2∆(0) must be supplied to produce an excitation
across the gap, as shown in Fig. 2.11. The BCS temperature dependence of
the energy gap for a conventional superconductor is depicted in Fig. 2.12. In
conventional superconductors, the value of the energy gap ∆(0) is of the order
of 1 meV ( 12 K).
It is worth to recall that the superconducting state requires the electron pair-
ing and the onset of long-range phase coherence. Superconductors in which
the long-range phase coherence occurs due to a mechanism different from the
overlap of wavefunctions, have two distinct energy gaps—the pairing gap ∆
and phase-coherence gap ∆
. As a consequence, in the superconducting state
the magnitude of total energy gap in the elementary excitation spectrum of
such unconventional superconductors is equal to
Experimental evidence of the existence of the energy gap in the elementary
excitation spectrum of superconductors comes from many different types of
measurements, such as tunneling, infrared, microwave, acoustic, specific-heat
measurements etc. The most direct way of examining the energy gap is by
tunneling measurements. The experiment consists in examining the current-
voltage characteristics obtained in a tunneling junction, I(V ). Let us briefly
discuss the basics of tunneling measurements.
The phenomenon of tunneling has been known for more than sixty five
years—ever since the formulation of quantum mechanics. As one of the main
consequences of quantum mechanics, a particle such as an electron, which can
be described by a wave function, has a finite probability of entering a classi-
cally forbidden region. Consequently, the particle may tunnel through a po-
tential barrier which separates two classically allowed regions. The tunneling
probability was found to be exponentially dependent on the potential barrier
width. Therefore the experimental observation of tunneling events is measur-
able only for barriers that are small enough. Electron tunneling was for the
first time observed experimentally in junctions between two semiconductors