Basic properties of the superconducting state 25
At the same time, knowledge of the order parameter does not provide au-
tomatically information about the attractive force that binds two electrons in
a Cooper pair together. However, the symmetry of the order parameter gives
a good hint. For example, if the order parameter has an s-wave symmetry,
that is, Ψ is positive (or negative) everywhere, it is very likely that the lattice
is involved in the formation of Cooper pairs. If the order parameter has a p-
or d-wave symmetry, that is, Ψ has respectively two or four nodes where it
changes sign, it is very likely that spin fluctuations mediate superconductivity.
Furthermore, knowledge of the order parameter does not provide automat-
ically information about the T
value. In conventional superconductors, how-
ever, the T
value can be estimated from the maximum value of |Ψ(r)| because
∆ ∝|Ψ(r)|. In unconventional superconductors, the situation is more com-
plicated and, generally speaking, the ratio between T
and ∆ is not fixed, i.e.
depends on the material.
At a normal metal-superconductor interface, the order parameter does not
change abruptly from a maximum value to zero. Instead, as we shall see be-
low, it starts to diminish somewhat before the interface and even, going to
zero, penetrates slightly into the normal metal. So, the order parameter never
undergoes abrupt changes. This is a salient feature of the quantum world.
It is important to note that in conventional superconductors, that is, in most
metallic superconductors, the order parameter can be considered as the wave-
function of a single Cooper pair. In unconventional superconductors, however,
this is not the case. The order parameter of the superconducting condensate in
unconventional superconductors does not coincide with the wavefunction of a
single Cooper pair—they are different.
3.3.1 Symmetry of the order parameter
In conventional superconductors, each electron of a Cooper pair has oppo-
site momentum and spin compared to the other: k
+ k
= 0 and s
+ s
= 0
(see Chapter 5). When the angular momentum of a pair is zero, L =0,itiscus-
tomary to say that the superconducting ground state has an s-wave symmetry
(by analogy with the shape of atomic orbitals). When L = 0, the energy gap ∆
has no nodes, and positive (negative) everywhere in momentum space. Since
the momentum-space variations of |Ψ| are proportional to variations of ∆,itis
also customary to say that the order parameter in conventional superconductors
has an s-wave symmetry. This means that |Ψ|= 0 everywhere in real space.
When |Ψ| is constant, the s-wave symmetry of the order parameter is called
isotropic.If|Ψ| varies slightly in real space, the s-wave symmetry of the order
parameter is called anisotropic.
In unconventional superconductors, the situation is slightly different. In
most unconventional superconductors, each electron of a Cooper pair still has
opposite momentum and spin compared to the other. However, the angular