∼ 350 K can already be useful for small-scale (low-power) applications.
Consequently, unless specified, the expression “a room-temperature supercon-
ductor” will further be used to imply a superconductor having a critical tem-
perature T
350 K. The case T
450 K will be discussed separately.
Consider the facts: a superconductor with T
= 135 K is already available
(since 1993). The first discovered superconductor—lead—has a critical tem-
perature of 4.2 K. Taking into account that the ratio 135 K/4.2 K 32 is more
than one order of magnitude larger than the ratio 350 K/135 K 2.6, one can
conclude that the goal to have a room-temperature superconductor looks not
only as a possibility but also a near-future possibility. In Fig. 1.2, if we as-
sume that the rise of critical temperature will follow the same growthas that for
copper oxides, then in 2010 we will have a room-temperature superconductor.
This is one of the reasons why I believe that, in 2011, superconductivity will
celebrate its 100-year anniversary having a critical temperature above 300 K.
In Chapters 8 and 9, we shall see that, from the physics point of view, there is
no formal limitation for superconductivity to occur above room temperature.
In the literature, one can find manypapers (more than 20) reporting evidence
of superconductivity near or above room temperature. Most researchers in su-
perconductivity do not accept the validity of these results because they cannot
be reproduced by others. Paul Chu, the discoverer of the 93 K superconductor
Y-Ba-Cu-O (see above), calls these USOs—unidentified superconducting ob-
jects. The main problem with most of these results is that superconductivity is
observed in samples containing many different conducting compounds, and the
superconducting fraction (if such exists at all) of these samples is usually very
small. Thus, it is possible that superconductivity does exist in these complex
materials, but nobody knows what phase is responsible for its occurrence. In
a few cases, however, the phase is known but superconductivity was observed
exclusively on the surface. For any substance, the surface conditions differ
from those inside the bulk, and the degree of this difference depends on many
parameters, and some of them are extrinsic. In Chapter 8, we shall discuss the
results of two works reporting superconductivity above room temperature.
In 1992, a diverse group of researchers gathered at a two-day workshop in
Bodega Bay (California). They considered the issue of making much higher
temperature superconductors. T. H. Geballe, who attended this workshop,
summarized some guidelines in a two-page paper published in Science [22],
that emerged from discussions:
Materials should be multicomponent structures with more than two sites
per unit cell, where one or more sites not involved in the conduction band
can be used to introduce itinerant charge carriers.
Compositions should be near the metal-insulator Mott transition.