fore, as long as the Cooper pairs exist, and their density is high, the onset
of long-range phase coherence arises automatically (and at the same temper-
ature as the electron pairing occurs). So, in conventional superconductors, it
is impossible to discontinue the spread of phase coherence without breaking
Cooper pairs. The suppression of the superconducting state in conventional
superconductors can only be achieved by breaking up the Cooper pairs.
However, this is not the case for unconventional superconductors, specially
in layered ones. In these superconductors, the onset of long-range phase coher-
ence occurs due to a mechanism which different from the overlap of Cooper-
pair wavefunctions. Therefore, in unconventional superconductors, the onset
of long-range phase coherence is always the weakest link, and will be sup-
pressed first, for example, by a sufficiently strong magnetic field. Of course,
the electron pairing in unconventional superconductors can be suppressed too,
but for this, one must increase the magnitude of magnetic field in comparison
with that needed to destroy the phase coherence.
In the context of the above discussion, the difference between conventional
and unconventional superconductors can be illustrated by the following exam-
ple. In conventional superconductors, by applying a sufficiently strong mag-
netic field, the part of resistivity curve corresponding to the transition into the
superconducting state (see, for example, Fig. 2.1) remains steplike but is only
shifted to lower temperatures. The same takes place in half-conventional su-
perconductors (see Chapter 7). Contrary to this, the transition width in uncon-
ventional superconductors becomes broader with increasing magnetic fields,
meaning that at temperatures just below T
(H =0), there are large phase fluc-
tuations. In layered unconventional superconductors, the transition widths in
resistivity become broader in both directions, along and perpendicular to the
layers. The onset of long-range phase coherence perpendicular to the layers
is usually affected by an applied magnetic field to a higher degree than that
along the layers because the in-plane phase coherence is usually established
by two independent processes, one of which is the same as that perpendicu-
lar to the layers, and the second is the direct hopping, overlap of Cooper-pair
wavefunctions. We shall discuss the mechanism of phase coherence in layered
unconventional superconductors in detail in Chapter 6.
In unconventional superconductors, knowing the magnitude of a magnetic
field at which the onset of long-range phase coherence is discontinued, one
can estimate the value of the coherence length by using Eq. (2.23). By in-
creasing the magnitude of magnetic field (if the laboratory conditions allow
to do so), one can then estimate the value of the coherence length of electron
pairing, thus the size of Cooper pairs. One can now understand why, while
defining the coherence length and the size of Cooper pairs (see above), it was
underlined that generally speaking, the two notions—the coherence length and
Cooper-pair size—are not the same. From Eq. (2.23), one can also grasp that