3.2 Copper oxides
A compound is said to belong to the family of copper oxides (cuprates) if
it has the CuO
planes. Cuprates that superconduct are also called high-T
superconductors. The first high-T
superconductor was discovered in 1986 by
Bednorz and Mu¨ller at IBM Zurich Research Laboratory [5]. Without doubt,
this discovery was revolutionary because it showed that, contrary to a general
belief of that time, superconductivity can exist above 30 K, and it can occur in
very bad conductors.
The parent compounds of superconducting cuprates are antiferromagnetic
Mott insulators. A Mott insulator is a material in which the conductivity van-
ishes as temperature tends to zero, even though the band theory would predict
it to be metallic. A Mott insulator is fundamentally different from a conven-
tional (band) insulator. If, in a band insulator, conductivity is blocked by the
Pauli exclusion principle, in a Mott insulator charge conduction is blocked by
the electron-electron repulsion. Quantum charge fluctuations in a Mott insula-
tor generate the so-called superexchange interaction which favors antiparallel
alignment of neighboring spins. Thus, a Mott insulator has a charge gap of
∼ 2 eV, whereas the spin wavespectrum extends to zero energy. When cuprates
are slightly doped by holes or electrons (the hole/electron concentration is
changed from one per cell), on cooling they become superconducting. At the
moment of writing, the cuprates are the only Mott insulators known to super-
The cuprates are materials with the strong electron correlation. What does
this mean? Electrons in a metal can be treated in a mean-field approximation.
In the framework of this approach, it is assumed that an electron in the crystal
movesinanaveragefield created by other electrons. Thus, it is not necessary
to know the exact positions of all the other electrons. In cuprates and other
strongly-correlated electron materials, the mean-field approach breaks down.
The position and motion of each electron in these materials are correlated with
those of all the others. Furthermore, in this class of materials, the electron-
phonon interaction is much stronger than that in metals. As a consequence, the
combination of the electron-electron correlation and electron-phonon interac-
tion results in a strong coupling of electronic, magnetic and crystal structures,
so that, depending on temperature, they interact strongly with each other. This
gives rise to many fascinating phenomena, such as superconductivity, colossal
magnetoresistance, spin- and charge-density waves.
There are many cuprates which become superconducting at low temper-
ature. They can be classified in several groups according to their chemical
formulas which are sufficiently complicated; therefore, it is useful to use ab-
breviations. The abbreviations which will be used further are summarized in
Table 3.5. In addition, Table 3.5 indicates the number of the CuO
planes per
unit cell and the critical temperature of these cuprates. From these data, one