of quasi-one-dimensional charge stripes in the CuO
planes. Hence, he needed
to locate one dimensionality in the CuO
planes. Since the CuO
planes in the
cuprates consist of quasi-infinite parallel chains of alternating ions of copper
and oxygen, Davydov assumed that each -Cu-O-Cu-O- chain in a CuO
can be considered as a quasi-one-dimensional system. Therefore the current
flows along these parallel chains. In the framework of the bisoliton model, he
studied the charge migration in one of these chains and all the results obtained
above were directly applied to the superconducting condensate in the cuprates.
However, Davydov mistakenly assumed that the long-range phase coherence
among the bisolitons sets in due to the overlap of their wavefunctions.
A comparison of the main characteristics of the bisoliton model and the data
obtained in some cuprates, described in [19], shows that the bisoliton model
is not a theory for high-T
superconductivity. Firstly, it lacks the mechanism
of the onset of phase coherence. Secondly, the bisoliton model can describe
some pairing characteristics but only in a first approximation. This is probably
because in the bisoliton model the Coulomb repulsion between quasiparticles
in a bisoliton is not taken into account. However, the main idea of the bisoliton
model is correct: the moderately strong and nonlinear electron-phonon inter-
action mediates the pairing in the cuprates. The main result of the model is
that, in the presence of a strong electron-phonon interaction, the BCS isotope
effect can be absent or small. The bisoliton theory should serve as a starting
point for the future theory of unconventional superconductivity.
As an example, consider the doping dependence of the distance between two
holes in a bisoliton, derived in the framework of the Davydov model by using
experimental data obtained in Bi2212. Figure 6.25 depicts this dependence, as
well as the doping dependence g(p). The dependence d(p) in Fig. 6.25 is in
good agreement with experimental data for Bi2212.
In Fig. 6.25, one can see that the values of the coupling parameter in Bi2212,
g, is around 1. Such a result was in fact expected from the beginning. Why? As
was mentioned in Chapter 1, the balance between nonlinearity and dispersion
is responsible for the existence of solitons. The bisoliton model is based on
the NLS equation. In the NLS equation, the second term is responsible for
dispersion and the third one for nonlinearity [see, for example, Eq. (6.11)].
The coefficient in the second term, the energy of the exchange interaction, 2J,
characterizes the “strength” of dispersion, and the coefficient in the third term,
the nonlinear coefficient of the electron-phonon interaction, G, characterizes
the “strength” of nonlinearity. The parameter g represents the ratio between the
two coefficients G and 2J [see Eq. (6.47)]. Therefore, in a sense, the coupling
parameter g reflects the balance between the nonlinear and dispersion forces.
As a consequence, it cannot be very small g 1, or very large g 1. If
g 1, dispersion will prevail, and the bisolitons will gradually diffuse, giving
rise to “bare” quasiparticles. If g 1, nonlinearity effects prevail, and the