charge ordering
Figure 6.9. Schematic ordering pattern on a 2k
quoter-filled charge stripe. In plot, • (◦)
denotes the presence (absence) of a hole.
quasi-static, contrary to the charge stripes in the cuprates. Thus, the charge
order on the stripes in the cuprates is similar to usual CDWs.
In discussing the charge distribution of the CuO
planes in the previous sub-
section, we assumed that the vertical charge stripes run above the Cu sites. In
principle, the stripes can alternatively be centered on the Cu–O bonds. Simula-
tions of angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) data obtained in Bi2212 show
that the stripes in Bi2212 seem to be site-centered, not bond-centered.
Why do holes doped in the CuO
planes prefer to form stripes rather than
to be distributed homogeneously? The combination of the electron-phonon,
Coulomb and magnetic interactions results in the appearance of the charge
stripes. The charge-stripe ordering in the cuprates, nickelates and manganites
is evidence for a strong, nonlinear electron-lattice coupling. The holes in these
compounds are self-trapped.
In the cuprates as in any system with strongly-correlated electrons, the elect-
ron-electron interactions are unscreened and, as a consequence, very strong.
At low temperature, the magnetic order in the cuprates, frustrated by doped
holes, does everything to expel them from the magnetic phase. In the presence
of a strong and nonlinear electron-phonon interaction, doped holes become
self-trapped, that is, in exchange of interaction with the lattice, a doped hole
locally deforms the lattice in a way that it is attracted by the deformation. In its
turn, this local deformation created by the first hole attracts another one, and
so on. Of course, without the Coulomb repulsion, the holes attracted by the
lattice deformation would rather gather in a cluster, not in a one-dimensional
stripe. Thus, the charge stripes in the CuO
planes are a “product” of the
electron-phonon, Coulomb and magnetic interactions. In addition, there are
other factors favoring the charge-stripe formation; for example, gathering in
one-dimensional stripes, the holes lower their kinetic energy in the transverse
The parallel arrangement of the charge stripes minimizes the Coulomb re-
pulsion between the neighboring stripes. What is the characteristic length
of the charge-stripe order in the cuprates? Experimentally, the characteristic
length of the charge-stripe order is about 80–110 A
, i.e. ∼ 21–28a [42, 43].
The striped phase in Fig. 6.2 which is nearly one-dimensional will cause
the appearance of two incommensurate Bragg peaks symmetric about the fun-
damental lattice Bragg peaks for an ideal square CuO
plane. Experimentally