Third group of superconductors: Mechanism of superconductivity 221
depends on temperature, and increases as the temperature decreases (see Fig.
6.36). It is assumed that the spin excitation causing the appearance of a mag-
netic resonance peak is a magnon-like. Generally speaking, magnons have
a large degree of dispersion; if they were the cause of the appearance of a
resonance peak, the peak should be quite wide. However, the width of a res-
onance peak in INS spectra is very narrow. Therefore, this excitation cannot
be magnon-like. Alternatively, it was proposed that the resonance mode is a
magnetic exciton. Magnons and excitons are non-interacting plane waves. To
propagate, a magnon uses only the ground spin states—antiferromagnetic or
ferromagnetic—while an exciton only excited spin states. Since excitons are
also plane waves, they should have also a large degree of dispersion. On the
other hand, analysis of experimental data shows that the spin excitation that
causes the appearance of a resonance peak in INS spectra can be a magnetic
soliton [19].
For example, in the heavy fermion UPd
, the Ne
el temperature is about
14.3 K, and T
2K. Upon cooling through T
, an abrupt enhancement
of magnetic fluctuations is observed in INS measurements, and a magnetic
resonance peak appears at E
3.9.4 Interplay between the lattice and magnetism
Here we consider an important issue related directly to the mechanism of
phase coherence in the cuprates—the interplay between the lattice and spin
fluctuations. First of all, one should distinguish the onset of phase coherence
in the CuO
planes and between the planes. The mechanism of interlayer phase
coherence in the cuprates is magnetic, while the in-plane phase coherence oc-
curs not only due to spin fluctuations but also due to the direct hopping of
bisoliton wavefunctions. Furthermore, the lattice also plays an important role:
as was discussed above, a structural phase transition always takes place some-
what above T
for each cuprate.
In the non-superconducting Gd- and Eu-doped LSCO, the frequency of spin
fluctuations upon lowering the temperature monotonically decreases, having a
kink at T
38 K [49]. In the cuprates, superconductivity is associated
with spin fluctuations which are rapid. Below a certain frequency of spin fluc-
tuations, ω
, the cuprates cannot superconduct [19]. Generally speaking,
the frequency of spin fluctuations depends on fluctuations of charge stripes in
the CuO
planes and, thus, on the underlying lattice. In the cuprates, if the
charge stripes carrying bisolitons fluctuate in the CuO
planes not fast enough
for exciting spin fluctuations capable of mediating phase coherence, supercon-
ductivity will never arise. Somewhat above T
, there is a structural phase
transition which flattens the CuO
planes and/or makes them more tetragonal.
As a consequence, the charge stripes can now fluctuate quicker and induce
spin excitations capable of mediating the phase coherence. Thus, even if the