Cleavage of DNA by Histone–Fe(II) EDTA 283
10. Wash the DNA pellet briefly with cold 70% ethanol and dry the DNA in a
Speedvac concentrator.
11. Dissolve the DNA in 34 µL of TE buffer.
12. Digest the DNA fragment with a second restriction endonuclease that liberates
the fragment of interest and yields fragments that can be easily separated on a
native 6% polyacrylamide gel.
13. After separation, wrap the gel tightly in plastic wrap and apply fluorescent mark-
ers onto various portions of the gel for alignment purposes (can be obtained from
Stratagene) or accurately mark the position of the gel on the film. Expose the wet
gel to the autoradiography film for 1 min, which is sufficient to detect the spe-
cific band containing the labeled fragment.
14. Excise the band of interest from the polyacrylamide gel and place into a clean
Eppendorf tube. Crush the acrylamide gel slice with a Eppendorf pestle and
add 700 µL of TE buffer. The labeled fragment will elute overnight with pas-
sive diffusion.
15. Split the sample equally into two Series 8000 Microcentrifuge Filtration Devices
and spin for 30 min in a microcentrifuge.
16. Precipitate the eluted DNA and dissolve in TE buffer pH 8.0. Add enough TE
buffer so that the labeled DNA is approx 1000 cpm/µL (see Note 7).
3.4. Reconstitution of Nucleosomes by Salt Step Dialysis
The method described here for the reconstitution of nucleosomes allows for
large quantities of nearly homogeneous core particles in 12 h (13). Moreover,
reconstituted nucleosomes are known to bind linker histone in a physiologi-
cally relevant manner according to multiple criteria. Virtually any piece of
DNA 147 bp or longer can be used. However to obtain nucleosomes with only
one translational position, the DNA sequence should contain nucleosome posi-
tioning sequences such as that from the Xenopus borealis somatic 5S rRNA
gene (14–16). The DNA can be labeled on the 5' or 3' end with commercially
available enzymes after phosphatase treatment as described above.
1. Add approx 5–8 µg of unlabeled calf thymus DNA, 200,000–400,000 cpm of
singly labeled Xenopus borealis 5S ribosomal DNA, purified chicken erythro-
cyte core histone protein fractions (H2A/H2B and H3/H4) (see Note 1), 160 µL
of 5 M NaCl (2.0 M final), and TE buffer to a final of volume 400 µL.
2. Place the reconstitution mixture into a 6 to 8 kDa molecular weight cut-off dialy-
sis bag. All subsequent dialysis steps are for 2 h at 4°C against 1 L of dialysis
buffers unless specified. The first dialysis buffer is 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1.2 M
NaCl and 1 mM EDTA. Subsequent dialyses steps are with fresh buffer contain-
ing 1.0 M, 0.8 M, and then 0.6 M NaCl. The procedure is completed with a final
dialysis against TE buffer overnight. Nucleosomes at this stage can be used for
gel-shift experiments where EDTA does not interfere.
3. For DNA cleavage experiments with EPD, two additional dialysis steps are
required. First dialyze the reconstitutes against 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 several