Competition Assay Using ANS 273
4. Notes
1. The exact composition of the binding buffer will be dependent on the DNA-
binding protein being studied. Also, it is advisable to avoid the presence of
strongly absorbing compounds and/or quenchers that may interfere with fluores-
cence measurements. If the interaction has been characterized by another method
(e.g., by gel retardation assay), the fluorescence experiment should initially be
carried out in the binding buffer used in these studies.
2. In our laboratory, titrations are carried out using short synthetic DNA duplexes
(30-mers) that contain the protein’s recognition sequence. Short oligonucleotides
have the advantage that relatively large amounts of highly pure material are
readily obtainable. However, the same protocol should be applicable to the use of
longer nucleic acids, such as restriction fragments or polynucleotides.
3. It is important that all the components in the titration are “optically matched.”
Preparation of a matched protein sample is best achieved by either dialysis or
buffer exchange. If the protein sample is limiting, small amounts can be prepared
by buffer exchange using NAP5 columns (Pharmacia) or, alternatively, by dialy-
sis using Slide-A-lyzers (Pierce).
4. The value of ε
370 aqueous
for ANS in buffer was derived by comparison of the
of two equimolar solutions of ANS, one in a buffer and the other in 100%
methanol for which ε
is known (6800/M/cm; Molecular Probes). If the buffer
used differs significantly from the one used here, then it is advisable to recalcu-
late the ε
5. If the stock solution of ANS is available at high concentration, then the volume
of sample in the cuvet during the titration can be assumed to be constant. If a
more dilute stock solution is used, there will be significant change in volume
(>5%). It is necessary to account for this when calculating the ANS concentra-
tion at each point in the titration.
6. See Chapter 33 for a more detailed discussion of the inner filter effect. As a
guide, for excitation at 370 nm in an aqueous buffer, 52 µM ANS has an OD
0.11 in a 0.4-cm path-length cuvet. This gives rise to an inner filter correction of
1.14 using Eq. 1.
7. The binding curve generated for ANS can, in principle, take many forms. The
shape will depend on the number and relative affinity of ANS binding sites on the
protein. If the protein contains high-affinity sites, the curve may be biphasic and
may allow the stoichiometry of the strong interaction to be determined. A more
likely situation is that there will be numerous ANS binding sites with differing
but weak affinities (K
> 100 µM). The result of this is a curved plot similar to
Fig. 3.
8. The concentration of the ANS solution used in the titration must be determined
empirically from the previous experiments. It should be high enough to ensure
that a good fraction of the ANS binding sites on the protein are occupied (as
determined in Subheading 3.1.),
9. As well as direct excitation of the fluorescent probe (i.e., with an excitation wave-
length of 370 nm for ANS), it may be possible to investigate energy transfer