Climate change and consequences for the Arctic 51
experienced 3∞C warmer air than today, with a similar CO
content in the atmos-
phere (Fedorov, Dekens, McCarthy et al., 2006). Sea levels, however, were 25m
higher. Humans, therefore, may already have put the world on a path back to
that epoch. The accelerating decay of ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica,
coupled to concurrent rise in CO
concentrations, suggest that we should expect
other changes as well. The significant warming observed in the Arctic regions
from 1920 to 1940 and the subsequent cooling from 1940 to 1960 was natural
climate variability. The present warming, also largest in the Arctic, is primarily
caused by human activities through increasing release of greenhouse gases to the
Air temperatures over the continent of Antarctica have risen three times faster
than the rest of the world over the past 30 years (Turner, Lachlan-Cope, Colwell
et al., 2006). By analysing historical data from high-altitude weather balloons, it
was concluded that temperatures in the lower 9km of the atmosphere above
Antarctica have risen by more than 2∞C since the early 1970s. This is the largest
regional warming on Earth at this level. Scientists are keen to understand the
change in temperatures over the continent as the region holds enough water in its
ice to raise sea levels by 57 m. Temperature rises on parts of the surface of
Antarctica have been seen for some time. The western side of the Antarctic
Peninsula is known to have the largest annual warming seen anywhere in the
world with increases of over 2.5∞C in the last 50 years. Such new findings about
Antarctic warming are particularly important because, until now, researchers had
only partial – and often conflicting – temperature readings from a few surface
stations on the icy continent. The finding opens many new research questions for
polar climate scientists. The rapid surface warming of the Antarctic Peninsula and
the enhanced global warming signal over the whole continent show the complexity
of climate change. If greenhouse gases are having an even greater impact in
Antarctica than across the rest of the world, the question is why?
The findings from the award-winning Climate and Environment Changes in
the Arctic (CECA) project (Nansen Centre, 2005) indicate large potential climate-
change consequences of both a positive and negative nature affecting fisheries, oil
and gas activities, transport through the Northern Sea Route, ocean circulation,
including the North Atlantic Current, and climate in Europe and the Arctic. The
ice cover in the Arctic regions has decreased by 3 per cent per decade since 1978.
The thicker multi-year ice has been reduced by 7 per cent per decade, which
indicates that the Arctic sea-ice cover may be in for major transformation
(Figure 3.3). A doubling of the atmospheric CO
is expected within a hundred
years. Simulations by climate models show that the ice could disappear during the
summer months. During the winter months the reduction may be about 20 per cent,
with the Barents Sea being open all year around.
The increase of greenhouse gases will influence the low-pressure systems
between Greenland and Iceland. They will increase in strength and lead to a
warmer, wetter and wilder climate in Northern Europe. Bindschadler (2006) shows
accelerated sea-level rise and increasing frequency of glacial earthquakes as a
result of rapid climate change in the polar regions. Owing to a large temperature