indigenous peoples (Continued)
drug and alcohol abuse in, 140, 152,
159, 188, 191, 322
economic state of, 272–73, 320
education of, 29, 55, 63, 140, 175, 325
employment, 31, 62, 142, 159, 175,
188–89, 216–18, 245, 277, 320,
322–24, 369, 373
environmental organizations and, 167,
334–35, 361
fishing by, 277, 280–81 (see also
foods of, 193 (see also fisheries;
hunting; whaling)
health of, 152, 258, 324–25
hunting by (see hunting; whaling)
legal rights of, 112, 123–132, 176–78,
184–85, 269, 276, 306–308,
310–11, 321, 337, 343, 356, 361–63
(see also International Labour
Organization Convention 169 on
Indigenous and Tribal Peoples;
specific group of indigenous people)
mixed economy of, 157
modernization of, 89, 150, 155–6, 158,
177, 337, 367
natural resource management by, 335
negotiations with, 375–76
Permanent Participants status of, 12,
27, 40
power and, 164–65, 187, 341–45
prior informed consultation and,
reindeer herding by (see reindeer
relationships between, 194
revenue distribution and, 320–21
resource claims of, 112, 225–26
self-determination for, 160, 173, 226,
275–76, 304–305
social aid for, 157
socioeconomic development of, 187,
258, 322
subsistence activities of, 47, 157, 275–76
(see also fisheries; hunting;
reindeer herding; whaling)
sustainable development and, 24,
155–56, 369 (see also sustainable
time concept and, 309
whaling by, 144, 150, 153–54, 168,
361–62 (see also Alaska Eskimo
Whaling Commission)
See also specific group of indigenous
institutional capacity building, 72,
74–75, 76
integrated management plans, 11, 99, 152,
208, 212–13, 220–24, 342, 369
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), 38, 45, 330, 344–45,
International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights; ICCPR), 291, 292,
296, 302
International Energy Agency (IEA), 2,
230–31, 235
International Labour Organization
Convention 169 on Indigenous and
Tribal Peoples (ILO 169), 126, 128,
223, 292, 292, 294–302, 305, 310,
320, 357–58, 360, 362, 370
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 89
International Partnership for Hydrogen
Economy (IPHE), 34
International Union for Conservation of
Nature and Natural Resources
(IUCN), 18
International Whaling Commission (IWC),
153. See also whaling
Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC), 26, 40
Inupiat Commission of the Arctic
Slope, 142
Inupiat people, 118, 139, 141–42, 150,
153–54, 157–58, 165, 169–70
Inuvialuit people, 124, 178–79, 184–85,
Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC),
184–85, 189–90, 194
JSC Gazprom, 229, 245, 247–50, 264–65,
267, 273–74, 280, 341
JSC LUKOIL, 247, 249–50, 254, 276
JSC Rosneft, 247, 250, 257, 284
JSC Surgutneftegas, 250
JSC Transneft, 247, 256
Khantyt-Mansii Autonomous Okrugs, 2,
75. See also Russia
KTK Pipeline, 247. See also pipeline(s)
Kyoto Protocol, 47, 205, 214, 326–28,
327, 329–31, 344–45
land claims. See indigenous peoples: legal
rights of
liquefied natural gas (LNG), 3, 208,
215–17, 341
local governments, 31–32, 118,
120, 339
Lofoten, 2, 207, 210, 214–16, 218,
230–31, 234–36
Index 385