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Schaler, W,. 1972, Eitilogy uitd Pukwoiroloiiy of Maiiiw Emiruninvul.s.
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Smith, D.G,, Reinsnn. G,F-,. /aitlin. B.A-, and Rahmani, R,A, (eds.).
Canadian Society of Petroleum
Geologists, Memoir 16,
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(inc grained sediments in the Dulch Wadden Sea, Ccoloi^iceiiMijn-
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Bedding and Internal Structures
Biiigenic Sedimentary Structures
t\iastal Sedimenlary Facies
Grain Settling
Grain Size and Sliape
Ripple. Ripple Mark, and Ripple Strueture
Sail Marshes
Sediment Transport by Tides
Smi'ace Forms
Tides and Tidal Rhylhmites
A liilaliiilci is an opening in the shoreline through which water
penetrates the land thereby providing a connection between
the ocean and bays, lagoons, marsh, and tidal creek systems.
Tidal currents maintain the main channel of a tidal inlet. The
second hair of this definition distinguishes tidal inlets from
large, open enibaymcnts or passageways along rocky coasts.
Tidal currents al inlets are responsible for the continual
removal of sediment dumped into the main channel by wave
action. Thus, according to this definition tidal inlets occur
along sandy or sand and gravel barrier coastlines, although
one side may abut a bedrock headland. Some tidal inlets
coincide with the mouths of rivers (estuaries) but in these cases
inlet dimensions and sediment transport trends are still
governed, to a larize extent, by the volume of water exchanged
at the inlet mouth (tidal prism) and the reversing tidal currents,
Tidal inlets are found along barrier coastlines throughout
the world. They provide a pathway for ships and small boats
to travel between the open ocean to sheltered waters. Diversity
in the morphology, hydraulic signature, and sediment trans-
port patterns of tidal inlets attests lo the complexity of their
processes. The variability in oeeanographie. meteorological,
and geologie parameters, such as tidal range, wave energy.
sediment supply, storm magnitude and frequency, fresh water
influx, and geologic controls, and the interactions of these
factors, are responsible for this wide range in tidal inlet
settings. At most inlets over the long-term, the volutne of water
entering the inlet during the Hooding tide equals the volume of
water leaving the inlet during the ebbing cycle. This volume is
referred to as the lidalprism. The tidal prism is a function of
the open water area and tidal range in the backbarrier as well
frictional factors, which govern the ease of flow through the
The formation of a tidal inlet requires the presenee of an
embayment and the development of barriers. In coastal plain
settings, the embayment or backbarrier was often created
through the eonstruction of the barriers themselves, like much
of the Kast Coast of [he United States or the Friesian Island
coast along the North Sea (FitzGerald and Penland, 1987;
Fit/Gerald, 1996). Breaching of a barrier and spit accretion
across a bay are the eommon meehanisms of inlet formation.
In other instances, flooding of former river valleys has also
produced embayments associated uith tidal inlet development.
Tidal deltas
A tidal inlet is specifically the area between two barriers or
between the barrier and the adjacent bedrock or glacial
headland. The deepest part of an inlet, the ink'l fhwat. is
located normally where spit accretion of one or both of the
bordering barriers constricts the inlet channel to a minimum
width and minimum cross sectional area. Here lidal currents
normally reach their maximum velocity. Commonly, the
strength of the currents at the throat causes sand to be
removed from the channel floor leaving behind a lag deposit
consisting of gravel or shells or in some locations exposed
bedrock or indurated sediments. Closely associated with tidal
inlets are sand shoals and tidal channels located on the
landward and seaward sides of the inlets. Flood lidal currents
deposit sand landward of the inlet forming a flood-riikildi'lla
and ebb-tidal currents deposit sand on the seaward side
forming an cbh-iidaUlclla.
Flood-tidal deltas
Their presence or absence, size, and development are related to
a region's tidal range, wave energy, sediment supply and
baekbarrier setting. Tidal inlets that are backed by a system of
tidal channels and salt marsh (mixed-energy coast) usually
contain a single horseshoe-shaped flood-tidal delta (e,g,. Essex
River Inlet. Massachusetts; Figure TIO), Contrastingly, inlets
that are backed by large shallow bays may contain multiple
flood-tidal deltas. Along some microtidal coast, such as Rhode
Island, flood deltas form at the end of narrow inlet channels
cut through the barrier. Changes in the locus of deposition at
these deltas produce a multj-lobate morphology resembling a
lobate river delta (Boothroyd ciai. 1985), Flood delta size
commonly increases as the amount of open water area in the
backbarrier increases.