surfaces and coarser tiiaterial in surface pits and irregularities
thereby producing a poorly sorted mud with irregular sand
patches. Powdery efflorescent crusts disrupt the upper
sediment surface and form pelleted textures in mud that may
be redeposited into cracks and surface irregitlarities.
Saline pans are salt-encrusted surfaces within saline mud-
flats ihal are intermitlently occupied by shallow saline lakes.
Saline pan lakes form during flooding events and the solutes
are mostly derived by the dissolution of efflorescent crusts.
This causes the saline pans to be dominated by the most
soluble minerals. As the temporary lake waters evaporate,
crystals are preeipitated first as eumulus crystals then a bottom
growth crystal crust. During prolonged periods between
flooding, the erust may be modified by polygonal expansion
cracks wilh formation of efflorescent crusts along their edges.
The sinking brine will precipitate crystals in pore spaces and
within sediments. The nexi flood will dissolve the efflorescent
crust and part of the bottom crust before the cycle of
deposition begins again. This meehanistn may produce thick
monomineralie deposits that are thin bedded.
Marine coastal environments
Where deserts border marine environments, the influence of
seawater and marine seditnenl prodtiees distinctive deposits.
Many of the environmctits found within inland deserts may
also occur in a coastal setting. Gypsutn and halite character-
istically dominate saline soils, saline mudflats, and saline pans
along desert coastlines due to the influence of seawater
chemistry. Eolian sands may contain a significant component
of marine shelly material.
Sabkhas are broad, salt-encrustcd flats that bound a marine
coast. Clastic sedimentation on sabkhas is largely by storm
surge tides, producing graded thin beds or lamination, or by
wind. Thick algal mats commonly cover the sediment surface
in nearshore areas modifyitig or controlling the sediment
layering. Gypsum crystals form within the sediments that are
saturated with seawater. Halite effloreseent crusts cover most
of the inland part of the sabkha. Saline pans precipitating
halite or gypsum crusts are common. Dehydration of gypsum
crystals in distal areas produces anhydrite nodules and layers.
Marine carbonate seditiienl is commonly altered lo dolotnite in
this selling. Refraction of groundwaier by the hypersaline
seawater commonly produces artesian springs or spring-fed
ponds along the coast within which carbonate erusts and
micrilic mud preeipitate.
Isolated etnbayments of seawater in deserts become more
saline by evaporation and less hospitable lo normal marine
organisms. If circulation with normal seawater is strongly
curlailed. these embaymenls may become supersaturated with
gypsutn or halile producing cumulus crystal layers or bollom
crusts similar lo those of saline perennial lakes. Shallow.
intermittently desiccated marine pools are called salterns.
These produce layered evaporites similar lo those of saline
In the geologic past, large embayments such as the
Mediterranean Sea have becotne hypersaline producing
extensive bedded evaporiies.
Desert environment associations
Sedimeniary deposits of desert environments have been
recognized in rocks throughout the geologic record to the
Precatnbrian. The distribittion of these desert deposits through
lime reflects changes in the Earth's tectonic regime and global
changes in climate. Some desert environments appear to have
left little record in the pre-Ouaternary despite their areal
abundance in the modern world. Polar deserts and high-
latitude saline lakes have not been noted in the geologic record.
Deflation plains have only been recognized within eolian sand
deposits and never as a regional surface in the pre-Quaternary.
The dearth of these deposits in the geologic record probably
reflects the facl thai they do not aggrade making ihem less
likely to be preserved.
Although the combinaliotis of desert environments are as
varied as the potential eombination of climatic and tectonic
histories, there are certain associations that are commonly
repeated. Sand sea deposits are eommonly developed on stable
cratons or broad structural sags where low relief is ideal for
erosion and transport by wind. Perennial lakes associated with
these sand seas are broad and shallow with superimposed dry
playa mudflat deposits common. Foreland basins of thrust
belts in desert regions produce extensive ephemeral and
perennial river plains that terminate into broad basins wilh
perennial lakes and playas. Isolated marine basins may
produee ihiek evaporite deposits ranging from deep water to
suhaerial. Rifl basins produce thick sedimenl accumulations
with alluvial fans, perennial lakes, and playas as the common
associations. Thick sabkha and marine embaymenl deposits
may also be associated with alluvial fans in this setling.
Climatic instability can shiTi a region from humid conditions
to arid and back again repeatedly in the span of thousands of
Desert deposits may be interbedded with non-desert
deposits at the meter scale, or desert fabries may be super-
imposed on non-deserl deposits or vice versa. This is particularly
true for orographic desert situations lhat exist closer to the
equator or at higher latitudes than the high-pressure belts. Sea-
level shifts in response to global clitnate change may result in
marine inundation of coastal desert deposits or isolation of
marine bays to form saline embayments or salterns.
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